Qatar Tribune

Miandad calls for independen­t inquiry into PSL’s streaming rights to betting firm


KARACHI: Batting great Javed Miandad has called for an independen­t high-level inquiry to investigat­e how a media rights partner of the Pakistan Cricket Board could award live streaming rights of five PSL matches to a UK-based betting company.

“Pakistan is a cricket playing country which has already faced so many scandals and problems and also lost good players due to their involvemen­t in betting and gambling, so the PSL matches being shown live on a betting company’s website is not a small matter,” Miandad said.

Miandad, a veteran of 124 Tests, pointed out that even if betting was legal in the United Kingdom and the live streaming was done only in countries by the betting company where betting is legal, how could the PCB remain a silent spectator to this.

“Gambling and betting is illegal in Pakistan and the PSL was held in Pakistan and it is hard for me to understand how the PCB was not aware all this time that one of their media rights partners had sublet the internatio­nal live streaming rights to a UK based betting company.” The PCB has said that it is holding an inquiry into the matter and talking to its media rights partner.

The governing body claims its media rights partner awarded the live streaming rights to the betting company without following any due process. But Miandad said there was a need to have an independen­t inquiry committee look into the matter immediatel­y.

Miandad said the independen­t inquiry should find out how the live streaming rights went to a betting company and whether the PCB had kept any clause in their contract that under no circumstan­ces will rights be sold to any betting company anywhere in the world.

Miandad also lashed out at Pakistani batsman Umar Akmal for being suspended after failing to report a spot-fixing approach at the start of the PSL to the concerned authoritie­s. (AGENCIES)

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