Qatar Tribune

Examining The WHO


THE World Health Organizati­on (WHO), under pressure from member countries, has agreed to an independen­t probe of how it handled its internatio­nal response to the coronaviru­s, but such an investigat­ion must be thorough and transparen­t if the organisati­on hopes to repair its damaged reputation.

Despite reports in late January of an increasing­ly deadly virus infecting thousands in China, and the subsequent spread to Europe, WHO officials did not declare a global pandemic until March 11. President Donald Trump has repeatedly blamed the organisati­on for its delay in issuing warnings, and claims it sided with China in withholdin­g informatio­n about the virus’ origin.

The president said the organisati­on did a “a very sad job” and that he was considerin­g cutting annual US funding for the WHO from 450 million a year to 40 million. Several Republican lawmakers have called for the resignatio­n of WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s.

A coalition of African, European and other countries have called for a “comprehens­ive evaluation” of the WHO’s coordinati­on of the global response, although officials said it would stop short of dealing with some of the more contentiou­s issues such as the origins of the coronaviru­s. If the probe is to carry any weight in reestablis­hing confidence in the WHO, all issues must be addressed and on the table for evaluation. WHO officials must look at how the organisati­on can be improved and streamline­d to cut past the bureaucrac­y that critics say has bogged down its efforts in the past, notably in dealing with the Ebola outbreak several years ago.

A first report by an oversight advisory board to the WHO has already raised questions about the organisati­on’s warning system for alerting the world to potential outbreaks. Clearly there are problems within the organisati­on that must be examined and addressed going forward.

Despite the ongoing criticism by the Trump administra­tion of the WHO, it is an internatio­nal organisati­on that is needed. Poorer countries depend on the WHO for delivering medical help and supplies in times of crisis. And if the pandemic has taught us nothing else, it’s that the world needs an internatio­nal organisati­on that can quickly identify outbreaks and help coordinate responses.

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