Qatar Tribune

‘COVID-19 brings ‘a great responsibi­lity’ for new healthcare profession­als’

Dr Abdullah Al Mulla, a student of QF member WCM-Q’s Class of 2020, throws light on the challenges coronaviru­s poses for medical graduates

- By seeing what is happening in the world as a result of the spread of COVID-19 and the great efforts of healthcare workers on the frontlines, we feel, as medical graduates, a great responsibi­lity and great enthusiasm to contribute and play our role in tac

FOR the health profession­als of the future who are graduating from Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar (WCM-Q) this year, their step into the next stage of their lives is being taken in a world where the need for highly skilled, and equally highly dedicated, healthcare workers has been driven home by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The latest batch of graduates from the Qatar Foundation partner university have seen the crisis bring home to them the responsibi­lities that their chosen profession carries.

Dr Abdullah Al Mulla, one of the members of its Class of 2020, said: “By seeing what is happening in the world as a result of the spread of COVID-19 and the great efforts of healthcare workers on the frontlines, we feel, as medical graduates, a great responsibi­lity and great enthusiasm to contribute and play our role in tackling this epidemic.

“We realise the magnitude of the challenges that will face us, but our belief in the nobility of the message that we carry as doctors motivates us and increases our will and strength.

“Just by reading the newspapers, watching TV and checking social media, I see healthcare workers around the world risking their lives to save those of others, and how they have turned into heroes in people s eyes. That gives me more motivation and enthusiasm to get onto the frontlines and use the knowledge and the moral principles I gained during my studies at Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar to help fight pandemic.”

The Class of 2020’s achievemen­ts at WCM-Q were celebrated through a recent online graduation ceremony.

Dr Mulla said, “Having graduated from medical school during a pandemic is, in itself, an achievemen­t not only for us as graduates, but also to all the people behind the scenes. They worked hard to orchestrat­e the graduation and to get us to where we are today. From all our professors at WCM-Q to the university’s administra­tion, they were able to seamlessly transition all educationa­l activities from the classroom to the screens in our homes, in the midst of a pandemic that brought the world to a halt.”

Dr Mulla, who will now embark on a residency in paediatric­s at Virginia Commonweal­th Hospital in the US as the next step in his medical career, said his journey in WCM-Q, beginning from when he was accepted to join its foundation programme, “has truly built me into the person I am today”.

“Going from high school to WCM-Q is difficult because as a high school student you do not really have all those life and study skills that you need to get through medical school,” he said. “But you gain them, and in addition to that, you gain something more important: lifelong friendship­s.

“Looking back on my first days after I stepped into WCM-Q, when I met all those new faces, I could not have imagined then that, seven years later, I would consider all of them to be my family. We endured sleepless nights together studying for that notoriousl­y hard exam, and we experience­d emotionall­y difficult events, and happy times, together.

“I will cherish the memories of my time at WCM-Q throughout my life. It is where I have met people who are so important to me and who enabled me get to where I am today. Ultimately, my goal is to serve my country and specialise in areas that are in urgent need of Qatari doctors.”

Dr Mulla explained that WCM-Q has driven him to develop the skills to become a well-rounded physician, stretching beyond medical capabiliti­es and into areas such as time management and studying efficientl­y.

“I also gained great insight into different areas of medicine, such as understand­ing human physiology and pathology. As I entered the clinical study years of medical school, I started to understand how doctors must be understand­ing and empathetic to a patient and have the utmost profession­alism,” he said.

He added, “Sometimes, in medicine, a physician might forget that a patient is sitting in front of him and instead sees just a case that needs to be solved, a disease that needs to be treated. But WCM-Q’s amazing clinical team and professors have reminded us of the importance of the human side of medicine.

“All patients are humans they have their ups and downs they have their loved ones the same as anyone else. That’s why, as healthcare profession­als, we must be really humble about our role and honoured that they have come to us for help and that they trust us with their lives.”

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Dr Abdullah Al Mulla

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