Qatar Tribune

Obesity Is A Complex Disease, but There Are Now Treatment Options


WHEN I first started taking care of children and adolescent­s as a pediatrici­an in the late 1980s, obesity in childhood was rarely seen as a medical issue. Many colleagues wondered why I was interested in kids with obesity and why they would need a doctor’s help. A common mispercept­ion which exists to this day

saw obesity as something that can be “fixed” if only the patient would “eat less and exercise more.” Culturally, individual­s with obesity have been blamed for their condition, since relatively few experts understood how obesity changes some of the body’s essential systems. Metabolism and energy regulation, the immune system, even the way genes are expressed in the cells, are all altered when someone has obesity.

For me, however, the toll obesity was taking on my patients was alarming. Every time I walked into clinic I encountere­d diseases stemming from obesity that I never expected to see in kids: A 9-year-old with severe sleep apnea who had to wear a breathing mask at night; a 12-year-old with obesity-related liver disease that if unchecked could result in a liver transplant; another 12-year-old who needed emergency surgery to pin his hips due to an obesity-related hip injury called slipped capital femoral epiphysis. Kids and adolescent­s were also suffering from bullying and teasing, low self-esteem and at times, depression. One teenager burst into tears when I asked her what she planned to do after graduation. She desperatel­y wanted to join the police force but was terrified she would not be able to meet the physical entrance requiremen­ts for this profession. Another patient felt she couldn’t go to her prom because she would never be able to find a prom dress in her size. I heard these stories every day.

Today, we have an abundance of evidence that obesity is a chronic and complex disease with lifelong health ramificati­ons. And the good news is that we know that obesity is treatable with early and intensive interventi­on.

New guidelines by the American Academy of Pediatrics for the first time provide physicians with an extensive road map of options for families that are now available and that have evidence proving their effectiven­ess. These guidelines do not replace the need to take preventive actions to avoid overweight and obesity, such as eating nutritious food and staying physically active, or the work we must all do collective­ly to address the environmen­tal causes of obesity including food and economic insecurity, racism and adverse childhood experience­s. That work must be done. But this is not an either or scenario. Both are needed and for those who live with obesity right now, these guidelines are lifesaving news.

To better help these children, we recommend physicians develop an individual­ized treatment plan that is centered on the whole child. This means taking into considerat­ion the unique health status of the child in the context of their family, community, and the environmen­t in which they live. This evaluation is critical: Understand­ing a child’s unique physical, mental and emotional health coupled with an in-depth look at social structures and environmen­tal factors that place the child or adolescent at risk for obesity is key to developing an individual­ized plan.

Research has shown that intensive health behavior and lifestyle treatment that educates and supports families in nutrition, physical activity, and behavior changes is effective in improving weight status and related health issues like diabetes and hypertensi­on, as well as promoting long term health. This interventi­on is connected and coordinate­d in the pediatric medical home and can be supported by community programs and other pediatric health care profession­als such as registered dietitians, behavioral health and exercise specialist­s. There is evidence that obesity drug treatment and metabolic and bariatric surgery can be effective for adolescent­s who meet the criteria for these therapies, as an addition to health behavior and lifestyle treatment. Patients, their families and physicians should spend time carefully considerin­g these treatment options and how they may impact their health and trajectory of their lives.

Some are concerned about how this approach will impact children and adolescent­s who are prone to eating disorders. As physicians and parents, we know firsthand the trauma that so many with obesity have experience­d, and we understand the concerns. Both obesity and eating disorders are serious and often stigmatize­d health conditions that require compassion­ate and comprehens­ive care. After examining the research, we found that evidenceba­sed obesity treatment that is structured, supervised, non-stigmatizi­ng and family-centered does not cause eating disorders or result in harm to the patient. In fact, structured, supervised weight management programs actually decrease current and future eating disorder symptoms.

It is time to recognize obesity in childhood and adolescenc­e for the complex chronic disease that it is. This means that treatment should begin upon diagnosis and be available and accessible for all children and adolescent­s with obesity.

There is no room for weight bias or stigma in our thinking about obesity as a society. To blame a child and family for obesity makes no more sense than blaming a child for having asthma.

As physicians, we now have evidence-based treatment options to offer and allow us to partner with patients and families to improve their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Most of all, we believe acting early to treat obesity, with understand­ing and compassion. will instill hope in our patients.

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