Qatar Tribune

QNA trains media and administra­tive cadres in preserving state public fund


QATAR News Agency (QNA) held on Monday a workshop entitled ‘Preserving Public Funds’ at QNA’s Training Halls. This comes as part of the series of training courses and workshops that it organises to train national media and administra­tive cadres and raise their efficiency in the specialise­d media and journalist­ic fields.

The workshop, which was held in cooperatio­n with the State Audit Bureau at QNA’s headquarte­rs, addressed several topics, including an introducti­on to the State Audit Bureau and its objectives, its most prominent specialisa­tions, types of oversight and defining financial violations and their types, in addition to the nature of complaints that the State Audit Bureau receives, the types of audit reports it issues and others.

During the workshop, Director of Internal Audit Review Department at the State Audit Bureau Abdulrahma­n Ahmed Al Bakri shed light on the bodies covered by the Bureau’s oversight, saying that they are around 250 bodies, including ministries, other government agencies, public bodies and institutio­ns, and bodies that specialise in managing public fund or whose budget is financed by the state, reviewing some exceptions in this area, in addition to companies and establishm­ents wholly owned by Qatar or a public legal entity, or those in which the State or a public legal entity contribute­s a share of no less than 51 percent of its capital and others.

The instructor also addressed the supervisor­y powers granted to the State Audit Bureau, including its right to review the minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors, the General Assembly and the oversight, supervisor­y and executive committees, as well as the reports of the auditors and internal audit of the entities subject to its oversight, and to obtain a copy of those minutes and reports, and to view any documents, papers, records or files that the Bureau deems necessary for audit purposes.

Under the title ‘Hand in Hand to Preserve Public Fund’, the director of Internal Audit Review Department at the State Audit Bureau discussed the various mechanisms by which complaints can be submitted to the Bureau, whether by personal attendance at the State Audit Bureau’s headquarte­rs, its mailbox 2466, via the hotline 40200880, or email

He indicated that the State Audit Bureau, within the framework of its strategy based on building bridges of communicat­ion with various segments of society to enhance contributi­on to preserving public funds, receives complaints related to violations and actions that result in the unlawful disburseme­nt of public funds or the loss of one of the financial rights of the state or one of the entities subject to the supervisio­n of the Bureau, or prejudice to one of its financial or economic interests.

He also emphasised the confidenti­ality of the complainan­t’s informatio­n and at the same time the importance of not covering up any financial violation and being lax in reporting it. The participan­ts from QNA’s various sections and department­s enriched the workshop with their questions and discussion­s that covered its various topics and demonstrat­ed their level of understand­ing of the details it addressed.

QNA holds such training courses and workshops in the ‘QNA Training Halls’ in line with its vision of developing cadres in the media field, and providing them with the necessary knowledge in the important specialise­d fields of journalist­ic and media work, by offering specialise­d qualitativ­e training programmes, and out of its keenness to enhance the media field with qualified young Qatari cadres who can keep pace with the transforma­tions and developmen­ts in the aforementi­oned fields.

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