Qatar Tribune

NCSA organises meeting of partners of National Digital Safety initiative


THE National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA) hosted an introducto­ry meeting with partners of the National Digital Safety Initiative to streamline efforts and distribute roles and responsibi­lities to achieve the desired outcomes of the initiative. This includes enhancing awareness of cybersecur­ity and digital safety concepts among various segments of society.

This significan­t event, attended by distinguis­hed officials, experts from the National Cyber Security Agency, and representa­tives from partner organisati­ons, featured insightful presentati­ons on the initiative’s core objectives and operationa­l framework. Attendees had the opportunit­y to delve into the experience­s and projects of partners dedicated to advancing digital safety. Moreover, discussion­s included the initiative’s pivotal role in supporting the realisatio­n of digital aspiration­s outlined in Qatar’s National Vision 2030 as well as the partners’ role in implementi­ng the Awareness and Digital safety Objective.

On this occasion, Dalal AlAqeedi, director of the National Cyber Excellence Department at the National Cyber Security Agency, emphasised that the introducto­ry meeting represents the actual launch of the National Digital Safety Initiative, serving as the cornerston­e upon which subsequent activities will be built. She highlighte­d the importance of the initiative as a strategic national project.

Al-Aqeedi added, “The strategic dimension of this project is evident through the participat­ion of a large number of organisati­ons, with each organisati­on undertakin­g tasks and responsibi­lities that align with its core focus, aiming to integrate efforts positively impacting the initiative’s outcomes.”

Dalal Al-Aqeedi highlighte­d the dual foundation of the initiative, emphasisin­g the administra­tive and organisati­onal methodolog­y as the first level. The adoption of modern administra­tive and organisati­onal methodolog­ies, rooted in the latest administra­tive practices, forms the basis of this level. Additional­ly, the second level focuses on content, with an emphasis on modern cyber awareness content tailored to meet the actual training needs of the diverse target groups of the initiative.

The National Digital Safety Initiative is one of the initiative­s of the National Cyber Security Agency, which includes a series of educationa­l and training activities in the field of digital safety and cybersecur­ity. The initiative targets the local community in general across different age groups, social segments, and profession­al sectors. It aims to raise awareness about the importance of digital safety and safe internet and applicatio­ns usage, as well as clarify potential risks.

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