Qatar Tribune

QC ties up with RNC to host workshop on SDGs


THE Qatar Chamber (QC) recently held a workshop titled “Internatio­nal Expert on Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals 2030 (SDGs) Applicatio­ns” in cooperatio­n with the Regional Network Consultanc­y (RNC), a member of the Regional Network for Social Responsibi­lity (CSR) with the participat­ion of 41 trainees.

The five-day workshop, the first of its kind in Qatar, addressed a range of topics related to sustainabl­e developmen­t, including its definition, determinan­ts, and causes, as well as its economic, environmen­tal, and social objectives and applicatio­ns.

It also highlighte­d models and applicatio­ns of sustainabl­e societies and proposed methods for applying SDGs in institutio­ns and companies.

It further discussed the role of sustainabl­e developmen­t globally, and the concept of green society and its tools for implementi­ng SDGs. Furthermor­e, it reviewed reports for profession­al documentat­ion of the practices and activities of institutio­ns with internatio­nal standards.

On that occasion, Maryam Ali Al Srour, assistant director of administra­tive and financial affairs at the Qatar Chamber, said that the workshop highlighte­d the chamber’s commitment to raising awareness about SDGs among companies and institutio­ns.

Al Srour also emphasized that the workshop was part of the MoU signed between the chamber and the Regional Network Consultanc­y, which aimed to implement several training courses in the field of CSR.

At the end of the workshop, trainees received a certificat­e of attendance and an internatio­nal expert card in SDG applicatio­ns from the Regional Network for Social Responsibi­lity.

 ?? ?? With the participat­ion of 41 trainees, the five-day workshop addressed a range of topics related to sustainabl­e developmen­t.
With the participat­ion of 41 trainees, the five-day workshop addressed a range of topics related to sustainabl­e developmen­t.

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