Qatar Tribune

Moody’s affirms QIIB’s rating at A2/Prime-1 with stable outlook


MOODY’S Ratings has affirmed QIIB rating at (A2/ Prime-1) with a stable outlook, confirming that the bank has high liquidity, strong profitabil­ity and solid capitalisa­tion.

In its report on ratings’ affirmatio­n of QIIB, Moody’s said, “The bank has a strong profitabil­ity underpinne­d by its well-establishe­d Islamic assets with banking privilege, strong liquidity reserves, sound capital and good operationa­l efficiency. Moreover, the stable outlook of the bank rating on the longterm balances our expectatio­ns that the bank will maintain its strong profitabil­ity.”

The agency said, “The bank has a resilient financing profile, supported by a privilege focused on retail, sound liquidity buffers and sound capital, as well the bank’s position is fostered by a highly probable government support when needed.”

Commenting on Moody’s affirmatio­n of QIIB rating at (A2/Prime-1) with stable outlook, QIIB Chief Executive Officer Dr. Abdulbasit Ahmad Al Shaibei said, “We are pleased to maintain our high credit ratings. Moody’s affirmatio­n of QIIB at this rating reflects our outstandin­g performanc­e, strong financial position, and alignment with the prosperity and growth witnessed by Qatar’s economy in various fields. Our financial strength is supported by Qatar’s renowned regional and internatio­nal economic position.”

“QIIB maintains its key financial indicators, achieves stable growth, expands its customer base, responds to various competitiv­e factors in markets, and benefits from the rich opportunit­ies provided by the Qatari economy. The bank also responds appropriat­ely to emerging market pressures and conditions. We were able to often turn challenges into opportunit­ies. We are thus optimistic that the strength of our position and credit ratings will continue to achieve outstandin­g rates,” he said.

Al Shaibei said, “Moody’s expectatio­n that QIIB will maintain its strong profitabil­ity reflect confidence, in comparison to our success in translatin­g the plans and strategies approved by the bank’s board of directors, which take exceptiona­l care of the local market while benefiting from external opportunit­ies that are of high feasibilit­y.”

QIIB’s chief executive officer said, “We are optimistic that the bank will continue its upward trajectory for various indicators and will continue to capitalise on the successful trends in the global banking market, especially in the digital transforma­tion field where we have made significan­t leaps, and have had a tangible impact on increasing our operationa­l efficiency.”

 ?? ?? QIIB Chief Executive Officer Dr. Abdulbasit Ahmad Al Shaibei
QIIB Chief Executive Officer Dr. Abdulbasit Ahmad Al Shaibei

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