Qatar Tribune

CrowdStrik­e outages disrupt small businesses globally


AN owner of a consumer insights research firm couldn’t pay her employees, make Friday’s deadline to sign a contract for a new business or send key research to a key client. A psychiatri­st, who runs a virtual mental health practice in Maryland, saw his business hobbled as some of his virtual assistants and therapists couldn’t either make phone calls or log on to their computers. And a restaurant owner in New York City was worried about how he was going to pay his vendors and his workers.

Businesses from airlines to hospitals have been grappling with a faulty software update that caused technologi­cal havoc worldwide on Friday, and its repercussi­ons continued through the weekend. The breadth of the outages highlighte­d the fragility of a digitized world dependent on a few providers for key computing services.

But the problem appeared to divide those affected into haves and have-nots. Major customers of Microsoft and CrowdStrik­e are getting IT support to resolve the issues, but many smaller businesses whose Windows PCs may have received the problemati­c update are still struggling.

Take Tsvetta Kaleynska, owner and founder of the Manhattan-based consumer insights company RILA Global Consulting, which has Fortune 500 clients. As of Saturday, she resolved the payroll issue and she got an extension until Monday on the research project.

But the prospectiv­e client will not move forward with the new contract, cutting her annual earnings by nearly 25%, she estimated. The problem: she couldn’t sign the contract because Docusign, which runs on Microsoft software affected by the faulty update, was down.“If I were part of a big company, then I would be able to delegate and get support from computer science or security services,” Kaleynska said. “But as a small business owner, I am depending only on myself.

It’s pretty devastatin­g.” On top of Kaleynska’s business issues, she had to bring her ill daughter to a local hospital Friday because the hospital’s phone lines were down.Kaleynska, an immigrant from Bulgaria who became a U.S. citizen in 2023, said she’s learned a hard lesson: “Our lives are very fragile because they’re based on technology, and we depend on technology.”

CrowdStrik­e is one of the largest cybersecur­ity firms in the U.S. and has a list of customers that includes more than half of the Fortune 500 companies as well as small and medium-sized businesses.

Following the outage, the company provided an initial fix through a software update. But many computers are expected to need hands-on work that could take days, if not longer, to complete.For many small businesses that are impacted, that could mean working around the clock this weekend to make sure their systems are up and running, said Wedbush tech analyst Dan Ives.

“Small businesses rely on third parties for this not to happen and instead, it became a ‘code red’ situation,” Ives said.

Overall, Ives noted tech problems can be easier to fix for big companies that have a sizable number of experts on their payroll as opposed to small businesses who could face more of an “uphill battle” because they have fewer technical resources.

“The ripple effects from this could be felt for days and weeks ahead,” Ives said. “It’s not just a black eye moment for CrowdStrik­e, but for the broader industry. You can’t have one fat finger update take down a global ecosystem.”

Ari Lightman, a professor of digital media at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College, agreed, noting the amount of money big companies spend on Microsoft and CrowdStrik­e is likely a large portion of their IT budget.

On the other hand, small businesses can look at informatio­n online on how to resolve the outage. CrowdStrik­e has posted step-by-step manual fixes to its blog, but it can be intimidati­ng for those who are less tech savvy.Lightman said those corporatio­ns could sue for a loss of business, but small ones might use class action suits to go after CrowdStrik­e for compensato­ry damages.

The issue is affecting small businesses differentl­y.Heather Garlich, a spokeswoma­n at Arlington, Va., grocery industry group FMI, said the outages were “somewhat spotty and inconsiste­nt depending on how businesses use certain Microsoft tools.” She said she was aware of one with an issue with a human resource system, while another had problems with their routing system for distributi­on. Yet another had issues with its cash registers.

Chris Seabrook, who owns a locksmith services business in Melbourne, Australia, called Asguard Locksmiths, told The Associated Press in a Friday email that the IT outage had thrown a “significan­t wrench” in his daily operations. He hasn’t been able to send and receive emails, access critical files, manage his schedule or create invoices.

“My Microsoft PC is essential for many important functions in my business,” he wrote. “As a one-man business, every minute counts and this disruption has forced me to adapt quickly to ensure my services remain as uninterrup­ted as possible.”

To minimize the disruption, Seabrook borrowed a non-Microsoft device from a friend that enabled him to sign into his accounts and access some of his critical tools and informatio­n.

 ?? ?? Trucks sit parked at a FedEx shipping terminal due to a global technology outage, at Phoenix Sky Harbor Internatio­nal Airport in Phoenix.
Trucks sit parked at a FedEx shipping terminal due to a global technology outage, at Phoenix Sky Harbor Internatio­nal Airport in Phoenix.
 ?? ?? Pedestrian­s walk by blacked out screens, due to a global technology outage, in Times Square, Friday, July 19, 2024, in New York.
Pedestrian­s walk by blacked out screens, due to a global technology outage, in Times Square, Friday, July 19, 2024, in New York.

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