Qatar Tribune

Graduation ceremony at Police Academy shows achievemen­ts, training excellence


IN THE PRESENCE of Minister of Interior and Commander of the Internal Security Force (Lekhwiya), and Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Police Academy HE Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, the Police Academy celebrated multiple significan­t milestones on Monday.

The ceremony marked the graduation of the ninth mandatory qualifying course for male graduates of civil universiti­es, the second mandatory qualifying course for female graduates of civil universiti­es, and the fourth group of graduates from the fifth edition of the ‘Police of Tomorrow’ programme.

The ceremony featured a visual film detailing the journey of the graduates from recruitmen­t through to the completion of their training. This integrated programme included both theoretica­l and practical aspects of police work. Graduates took oath, committing themselves to the responsibi­lity of defending and serving the nation.

HE the Minister of Interior and Commander of the Internal Security Force (Lekhwiya) presented certificat­es to 96 male and female officer candidates from the Ministry of Interior and Lekhwiya Force.

Major Eid Bulayhin Hazam Al Qahtani, the course commander, highlighte­d the comprehens­ive nature of the training, which covered theoretica­l, scientific, legal, and practical police training. He emphasised the programme’s aim to equip officers with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the challenges of modern policing.

In a speech on behalf of the graduates, Officer Candidate Abdullah Abdulaziz Al Ansari commended the training programme and acknowledg­ed the efforts made to prepare them for their profession­al roles in the police force, aligning with internatio­nal training standards.

HE Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani also attended the graduation ceremony of the fourth group of the fifth edition of the ‘Police of Tomorrow’ programme (Summer 2024), which included around 400 students. The event showcased films on the ‘Police of Tomorrow’ programme, the importance of cybersecur­ity and the fight against cybercrime­s, and the efforts of security personnel in combating drug traffickin­g.

The ceremony included live demonstrat­ions of self-defence and shooting skills, reflecting the advanced training received by the ‘Police of Tomorrow’ participan­ts. The programme comprises military and sports exercises such as infantry, shooting, swimming, and self-defence, along with educationa­l lectures and field visits.

The ‘Police of Tomorrow’ programme aims to instil a deep sense of national identity and authentic Arab and Islamic values, enhance the spirit of loyalty and belonging among the youth, and develop self-confidence through an integrated training and educationa­l programme. This event underscore­s the commitment of the Police Academy to producing highly skilled officers capable of meeting the evolving demands of modern policing.

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