Arab News

Citizens hail gigantic leap in higher education


Jeddah: Md Al-sulami Makkah Gov. Prince Khaled Al-faisal has strongly lauded the unlimited support by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah to higher education in the Kingdom in general and in Makkah province in particular.

The king recently inaugurate­d a project to construct a number of university colleges and student campuses at the tune of SR 81.5 billion.

“These projects, which will cost billions of riyals, will constitute a strong base for the promotion of education in the Kingdom," the governor wrote in a letter to the king he sent on behalf of all the residents of Makkah province.

“Your wise leadership, your unlimited support to developmen­t projects, and your backing of every noble deed aimed at completing the process of developmen­t and nation building have enabled our country to achieve gigantic developmen­t projects built on correct scientific bases and sound planning," he told the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.

The governor said within these educationa­l projects, a complex of women's colleges would be built in Al-abdiyyah district in Makkah to accommodat­e about 50,000 students, a complex of university colleges in north Jeddah with a capacity of 45,000 male students, and a university in Taif that would enroll more than 82,000 students.

"These ambitious projects foretell a bright future for the Kingdom and will provide more educationa­l opportunit­ies for the sons and daughters of the Kingdom," he wrote in his message to the king.

The governor also expressed thanks and appreciati­on to Crown Prince Naif, the deputy premier and minister of interior, for the royal decree that upgraded 18 B-level provinces to A-level ones and 28 districts classified as A-districts into B-level provinces.

In a cable to the crown prince on behalf of the residents of Makkah province, Prince Khaled Al-faisal said the move would help to develop both man and place.

Under the royal decree, four B-level provinces in Makkah province would be upgraded to A-level areas. These are Ranyah, Tarabah, Al-khormah and Khulais.

The A-level districts that will be made into B-level provinces are Al- Mowaih, Misan, Adham Al-ardiyat and Bahrah.

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