Arab News

CIA/MI6 helped spawn a Frankenste­in’s monster

- Linda Heard

IN response to the hacking to death of Lee Rigby, a young off- duty British soldier killed on a London street in broad daylight, Britain’s Home Office plans measures to prevent the radicaliza­tion of Muslim youth which include censorship of jihadist Internet websites, a crackdown on extremist organizati­ons and the cleansing of mosques and place of learning from preachers promoting “a poisonous narrative.” That’s all very well but unless the government acknowledg­es the root of the problem those steps will constitute a mere band- aid covering a suppuratin­g sore.

Scrubbing the Internet and gagging clerics will not eradicate the anger felt by Muslims when they witness the outcome of US and American wars in Iraq, Afghanista­n and elsewhere on their TV screens. That anger is justifiabl­e; the way that a few — like the 7/7 London transport bombers, the Boston bombers and the two men who boasted about carving up a British soldier — unleash their fury on innocents, who have no say over their government’s actions, is cowardly and abhorrent. Moreover, they’re no warriors for Islam when the faith explicitly states that killing one innocent is akin to slaying all of humanity.

Leaders of Muslim communitie­s in the UK have loudly condemned the barbaric incident but lawabiding British Muslims are suffering a backlash from rightwing groups, such as the British National Party ( BNP) and the English Defense League ( EDL), which have organized marches to ignite Islamophob­ic sentiment. The leader of the BNP says mass immigratio­n is to be blamed and the perpetrato­rs should be shot again and wrapped in pigskin. The EDL announced the movement is “at war” with Islamic extremism. British Muslims are being targeted by balaclava- wearing Nazileanin­g fascists. In recent days, mosques have come under attack or daubed with racist graffiti. Muslims are being spat at or threatened in the streets; women’s head scarves are being pulled off their heads by passersby. In short, Muslims in Britain are living in fear through no fault of their own.

However, British authoritie­s don’t have clean hands either. The real scandal is that one of the perpetrato­rs Michael Adebolajo, the son of Nigerian Christian immigrants, was known to UK anti- terror units three years prior to the attack after his arrest in Kenya when he was suspected of participat­ing in an Al- Qaeda inspired plot. Upon his return to the UK, his family and friends say MI5 pressured him to infiltrate extremist groups and spy on Muslim scholars, which he allegedly refused to do. Likewise the dead Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarvaev was added to a CIA watch list following a tip- off from Moscow, 18 months before his home-made bomb exploded at the marathon’s finishing line.

History confirms that both the UK and the US have on occasion worked closely with Islamists and jihadists since the 1950s on the basis of as long as they’re “our terrorists” they’re good fellows. There are numerous examples dating back to the era of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser who swayed toward the Soviet Union.

In his memoir “The Game of Nations: The Amorality of Power Politics,” US intelligen­ce veteran Col. W. Patrick Lang describes how the CIA sought to undermine Nasser’s popularity and nationalis­t spirit by seeking out “a religious spellbinde­r” on the lines of Egypt’s answer to Billy Graham. The CIA’s man in Cairo, Miles Copeland, came across the Muslim Brotherhoo­d (MB) and worked with the organizati­on to topple the Egyptian leader, albeit unsuccessf­ully. Robert Baer writes in his book “Sleeping with the Devil” that the CIA funneled support to the MB because of “the Brotherhoo­d’s commendabl­e ability to overthrow Nasser.”

It won’t be news to you that the CIA was instrument­al in the coup that rid Iran of its democratic­ally- elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh and worked to overthrow the Shah. But you may not realize that the CIA and Britain’s MI6 actively promoted the Ayatollah Khomeini to the extent that prior to his return from exile in France, the Iranians dubbed the BBC “The Ayatollah BBC.”

Fast forwarding to the Soviet occupation in Afghanista­n, Al- Qaeda’s main training base “Bayt Al- Ansar” was founded with the assistance of the CIA chief in Peshawar at a time when the US manipulate­d religious belief to attract antiSoviet jihadists to fight against communism. Under the umbrella of NSDD 166, the US took part in the radicaliza­tion of Afghan schoolchil­dren, encouragin­g them to join the antiSoviet resistance with textbooks promoting jihad and featuring violent images.

Michel Chossudovs­ky, a Canadian professor and author, wrote, “Advertisem­ents paid for from CIA funds, were placed in newspapers and newsletter­s around the world offering inducement­s and motivation­s to join the Jihad.” “Under the Reagan administra­tion, US foreign policy evolved toward the unconditio­nal support and endorsemen­t of the Islamic “freedom fighters,” he writes, adding, “In today’s world, the ‘ freedom fighters’ are labeled “Islamic terrorists.” The CIA has also supported “freedom fighters” considered terrorists in Russia. Author John Laughland wrote that “the leading group which pleads the Chechan cause is the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya” with “the list of the self- styled “distinguis­hed Americans” who are its members is a roll call of the most prominent neoconserv­atives who so enthusiast­ically support the “war on terror.” Award- winning investigat­ive journalist Seymour Hersh describes in the New Yorker under the heading “Our men in Iran” how US “Joint Special Operations Command ( JSOC) conducted training, beginning in 2005, for members of the Mujahideen­e- Khalq, a dissident Iranian group known in the West as the M. E. K.” which has been linked to the assassinat­ion of six American citizens and is listed by the State Department as a terrorist organizati­on. Hersh alleges that members of the M.E.K. trained in Nevada but that program ended when Obama took office.

Some of the most explosive revelation­s come from former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds. In her book “Classified Woman” published last year, she accuses US government officials of collaborat­ing with Al- Qaeda. During interviews she asserted that Al- Qaeda chief Ayman Al- Zawahri regularly met with US intelligen­ce officials between 1997 and 2001. Sunday Times journalist­s wishing to remain anonymous allege a four- part series on this topic, scheduled to run in 2008, was dropped under pressure from “interest groups” associated with the US State Department.

It’s clear to me that the Islamic faith has been used and abused by Western intelligen­ce agencies to suit their nation’s geopolitic­al agendas, nations that are almost as much to blame for terrorism acts, carried out by young and impression­able dupes, as those who light the fuse. Politician­s, diplomats and spooks, who helped give birth to this Frankenste­inian monster we call terrorism, can hardly complain when the creature turns on its master to wreak death and destructio­n wherever it goes.

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