Arab News

Bridging the Muslim-west divide

- Fahad Alhomoudi

AT the start of the 21st century, people around the world had high hopes for global progress and peace. However, the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 by some Muslims revived historic tensions between the West and the Muslim world. Unfortunat­ely, this event and subsequent US wars entrenched this division as the West versus the Muslim world. But unlike other geopolitic­al divides, this constructe­d paradigm is not congruent. The relationsh­ip between the West and Islam is not exclusivel­y between two religions, like Islam and Christiani­ty, nor between two regions, like East and West. It is not even a relationsh­ip between two socio-political ideologies like capitalism and communism. The common denominato­r is culture.

But just as it’s tenuous to say that the United States and France — two Western countries — have exactly the same culture, the same is true about the Muslim world. The Muslim-West paradigm thus is rather vague, only describabl­e as two mosaic cultures crossing each other, melting into one another or simply connecting.

In our modern world, countries, societies, leaders, alliances and paradigms continuous­ly emerge which take the interconne­ctivity between the West and Muslim worlds into considerat­ion, particular­ly in areas like global security, the environmen­t, public health and the economy.

Today, the speed of socio-political and economic change due to new technologi­es is incredible. We witnessed this during the Arab Spring. Change that takes place in one country or region can have an indirect effect on other countries and regions.

What happens in the Middle East directly influences the West at social, political and economic levels. For example if natural resources are in crisis in one country it can change the global economy.

Politicall­y speaking, regime change can lead to a change in the balance of power and alliances globally. Likewise, any major change in the West can directly or indirectly influence the Muslim world due to increased interconne­ctivity between regimes, the economy and even lifestyles.

Once again, it is time for global citizens to meet and raise their concerns with one another. For example, some people in the West find it easy to criticize Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as an expression of freedom, but to what end? The result has been increased tension and overreacti­on in the Muslim world. Instead, it would be more useful for both sides to speak candidly about the underlying concerns that lead to such incidents — be it a desire for the universal needs of freedom or for respect. Make it clear, people will listen. My experience in interfaith dialogue suggests that people-to-people dialogue at the grass roots level is still the best way to achieve understand­ing. Honesty and openness in dialogue tend to break down barriers, misconcept­ions and prejudices, and build strong connection­s. Westerners and Muslims residing in Muslim-majority countries must talk with each other directly and openly. After all, the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty wouldn’t have taken place without direct communicat­ion between the two presidents.

To facilitate this, centers for dialogue that link citizens to citizens, organizati­ons to organizati­ons, such as the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Internatio­nal Centre for Interrelig­ious and Intercultu­ral Dialogue in Vienna — a collaborat­ive effort between Saudi Arabia, Austria and Spain — have opened around the world.

Still, more civil society activities are needed in the Muslim world. Muslim activists, socialists, nationalis­ts and religious scholars should be engaged in dialogue at the national and internatio­nal levels to communicat­e with their Western counterpar­ts.

Mosaics of culture have successful­ly lived together before in harmony under the modern state system — the example of the United States readily comes to mind, where people from different background­s have migrated and now live in the same cities and work in the same environmen­ts while maintainin­g the beauty of their own cultures.

This relatively harmonious situation can again occur between different societies and countries too at the global level. Caring for others as much as we care about ourselves goes a long way in solving our problems.

Dr. Fahad Alhomoudi is a professor at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University and the president of the Western Studies Institute in Riyadh. This article

was written for the Common Ground News Service.

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