Arab News

House suffers 15 arson attacks in one month


Arsonists have reportedly set fire to the house of a Saudi citizen 15 times within a single month in an apparent act of vengeance.

While some neighbors claimed that Badr Al-Enezi’s house must be possessed by “jinns” (invisible beings) because it is dated, real life evidence suggests otherwise.

Civil Defense teams have found traces of petrol and “we will get back at you” written across the wall upon reporting to the scene.

The fires burned the man’s official paperwork, electronic appliances, furniture and money.

Yet Al-Enezi refuses to give up his property and gets the house renovated every time it is set ablaze.

A team of experts had been summoned for further investigat­ion and also confirmed that the fires were intentiona­l.

The slogan written across the man’s wall was apparently intended to scare him into thinking that the house was possessed.

Al-Enezi said Hail Gov. Prince Saud bin Abdul Mohsen responded to the family’s call and immediatel­y issued directives to the regional police chief and the Civil Defense director to ensure the family’s safety.

Al- Enezi said he suspects a neighbor since the two had recently been involved in a dispute.

Neighbors, meanwhile, are being asked if they have heard or seen anything suspicious.

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