Arab News

Swiss accounts, singing canaries

- Bikram Vohra

weeks on end and Modi has enough sense of theatre to even impress William Shakespear­e.

The Swiss have not only found their fiscal cheese has holes in it but there could be an ironical legal action from those they have listed in the surrender for having broken the confidenti­ality clause. We gave you our money and you were not supposed to tell. So, while an individual might face action on the Indian front he can also take action on the Swiss front.

Among those who will also take a fall will be individual bankers and investment fund brokers who aided the process and have created the channels for the disburseme­nt and the covering up. Consequent­ly, each account will be like an onion, with layers surroundin­g the core. Modi may have unwittingl­y caused a worldwide tremor because it is just Indians who are withdrawin­g or closing accounts; there is a possible run on the so-called venerable financial institutio­ns of Geneva and Zurich. The Swiss are also exercising more vigilance. The funds that came to them in an earlier era were not always questioned. But with terrorism, drug traffickin­g and crime syndicates in operation, there has become such a commodity as dirty money. And even these offshore havens have raised their standards not wanting to become party to internatio­nal probes. The conclusion is simple. Hiding your money isn’t that easy anymore?

The only fear is that this exercise, laudable as it is, should not collapse into a witch-hunt. Too much media conjecture and second-guessing will add to the confusion and the baying for blood may drown out the sanity needed to indict those who have engaged in fraud. Also Indians cannot be naïve. With a black economy at home that is robust and often more buoyant than the genuine article, the fact that foreign-based accounts exist has been known for decades. We cannot now gasp in wonderment at this revelation. It is not a revelation.

While not being an expert on the legal niceties it is difficult to locate the virtue in maintainin­g secrecy over the lists. After all, if the whole idea of the strategy is to strip away the secrecy then would it not be better to inform those who are on the list that they are liable and need to explain themselves. I am just a little concerned that the herd of scapegoats will grow exponentia­lly with each passing day.

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