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Russian ex-spy may have been poisoned twice


LONDON: An inquiry into the radiation poisoning of a former Russian spy opened Tuesday with claims that there may have been an earlier assassinat­ion bid in the most sensationa­l tale of espionage since the Cold War.

Alexander Litvinenko was killed — apparently via a cup of green tea laced with hard-to-detect polonium-210 — in an upmarket London hotel in 2006.

The inquiry will look into claims of Russian state involvemen­t and on Tuesday it heard chilling extracts from Litvinenko’s interviews with police conducted at his hospital deathbed.

Russia has refused to extradited the two men identified by British police as the chief suspects — Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitri Kovtun — who drank tea with Litvinenko on November 1, 2006.

Counsel to the inquiry Robin Tam said Tuesday that traces of polonium found from a previous meeting between the three on October 16 in the offices of a London security firm may indicate a previous poisoning attempt.

“One of the most significan­t things that the evidence suggests is that Litvinenko was poisoned with polonium not once but twice,” he said.

Tam also revealed that a friend of Kovtun from Germany will testify that the Russian told him he had poison and needed a contact for a cook to kill Litvinenko.

“Kovtun said that he had a very expensive poison and that he needed the cook to put the poison in Litvinenko’s food or drink,” Tam said.

Litvinenko, who was doing work for Britain’s MI6 foreign intelligen­ce ser- vice, died on November 23, 2006 — three weeks after the poisoning.

A deathbed statement in his name accused President Vladimir Putin directly, saying that “the howl of protest from around the world will reverberat­e, Mr.Putin, in your ears for the rest of your life.”

The inquiry’s chairman Robert Owen said at the start of Tuesday’s hearing that closed-doors hearings would examine intelligen­ce material on “the issue of Russian state responsibi­lity.”

The hearings are due to last two months and Owen said his report would be out by the end of the year.

Britain’s Daily Telegraph newspaper reported at the weekend that communicat­ions between London and Moscow intercepte­d by the US National Security Agency pointed to Russian state involvemen­t.

At the time, Putin rejected the accusation­s as a “political provocatio­n.”

There are other theories about who may have killed him, given Litvinenko’s investigat­ive work in other European countries including Italy and Spain and his specializa­tion in researchin­g organized crime.

Owen was the coroner in a previous inquest into the death but did not have the power to examine intelligen­ce documents. He lobbied for an inquiry to be able to do so.

Under English law, such inquiries establish the facts of a case in public but do not result in conviction­s.

Britain announced the inquiry in July 2014, just days after the downing of a Malaysian passenger jet over eastern Ukraine — a tragedy blamed on Russia’s involvemen­t in the conflict in the region — in what was seen as a way of punishing Moscow.

The spy’s wife Marina Litvinenko said the inquiry was the best she could hope for.

“My struggle has been for the facts to be made public,” she said, adding: “This is the last thing I can do for him, defend his name.

Litvinenko served in the KGB during Soviet times and then in its successor agency, the FSB.

In 1998, he and other FSB agents gave a press conference in Moscow accusing the agency of a plot to kill Boris Berezovsky, an oligarch who helped bring Putin to power but later turned against him.

Litvinenko was tried for abuse of power and although acquitted in 1999 he fled Russia, apparently through Georgia and Turkey with a fake passport.

He was later tried and sentenced in absentia on different charges that his family says, like the abuse of power allegation­s, were invented to silence him.

 ??  ?? IN GRIEF: Marina Litvinenko, the wife of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko who was murdered in London in 2006, wipes away a tear during an interview with Reuters in London last week. (Reuters)
IN GRIEF: Marina Litvinenko, the wife of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko who was murdered in London in 2006, wipes away a tear during an interview with Reuters in London last week. (Reuters)

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