Arab News

Our kids’ bodies contaminat­ed with chemicals

- Mariam Alireza

IN the last two articles, Parts 10 and 11, I revealed to you the many toxic aspects of fast foods. Children are exposed to myriads of synthetic chemicals, high amounts of simple sugars, salts, artificial sweeteners, and trans fat, which the fast food and beverage industries add to hamburgers, fries, frying oils, ice-creams, sodas, soft and energy drinks, snack bars, and others to enhance flavor, texture, consistenc­y, color, and more. Their ploy is to get you and your children addicted to their products and concoction­s.

Unfortunat­ely, these toxic substances are not studied sufficient­ly. As a result, we see their health-harming effects in the forms of asthma, allergies, nutrient deficienci­es, behavioral and learning disabiliti­es, birth defects, and more. Last week, I wrote about a research finding that found a correlatio­n between fast food and sinking grades in 5th to 8th graders who were followed in the study. This is definitely not good news!

As for today, I have even more disturbing informatio­n, which drives me to revisit the controvers­ial topic of autism. Activists in the US and certain scientists blame mercury for the behavioral disorders. Mercury, used as preservati­ve, reaches infants and babies at a very early age through vaccines. The heavy metal is toxic. Cumulative­ly, it could harm both brain and body (read Part 6). By crossing the blood-brain-barrier of infants, it can inflict immeasurab­le damage on the brain. Now, I will reveal to you another suspect, which is a cause of autism according to scientist researcher Seneff of MIT.

A very recent research done by senior researcher and scientist Stephanie Seneff of Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology (MIT) showed very scary results that could hit the generation­s to come. The respected scientist is widely published on many topics such as Alzheimer’s disease and cardiovasc­ular disorders as well as the mysterious disorder, autism.

At a conference sponsored by the organizati­on Gorton Wellness, she made a brave announceme­nt about the health-damaging effects of geneticall­y modified organisms (GMO), the weedkiller Roundup, and other questionab­le products and chemicals. She declared: “At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic.” That is scary!!!

With this proclamati­on, Seneff showed slides displaying the correlatio­n between the active ingredient, glyphosate, in the weedkiller Roundup, a product of Monsanto, and the growing number of autistic children. Seneff’s research found that glyphosate toxicity, which comes with nutrient deficienci­es, is similar to that of symptoms found in autistic children. Since the rise of Roundup in the 1990s, the increase in autistic children jumped from 1 in 5000 (1975) to 1 in 68 in the recent years.

Until recently, the Environmen­tal Protection Agency (EPA) was relying on studies and research produced by Monsanto, the very industry that makes the dangerous chemicals! Monsanto also manufactur­es the neurotoxic artificial sweetener aspartame that is added to many processed foods, soda drinks, and snacks. GMO (geneticall­y modified organisms) seeds to grow commercial plants (corn, soy, wheat…) are also products of this giant industry. Their studies are generally short-term and do not demonstrat­e the cumulative effect of chemicals in the body. In view of the findings of glyphosate effects by scientist Seneff, EPA began considerin­g the ban or restrictio­n on the use of Roundup.

The bad news is that the dangerous compound was detected in mother’s milk at dangerous levels of 760 to 1600 times higher than acceptable levels in European water. Glyphosate was also detected in urine samples of Americans, which showed it to be 10 times more than the level in Europeans. Biomarkers in autistic children also showed elevated levels of glyphosate in their systems as well as deficienci­es in important minerals along with disorders in their cells’ energy centers (mitochondr­ia). In consequenc­e, they also develop seizures. The activist group Moms Across America met with EPA officials to discuss the prospect of a ban or a restrictio­n on the weedkiller.

Seneff’s response to Roundup’s rebuttal was that glyphosate destroys the protective gut bacteria, obstructin­g the synthesis of amino acids and methionine along with other nutrients. Wiping out the “healthy” bacteria also encourages the growth of yeast infections and microorgan­isms that cause serious disorders. Without “healthy” microflora, deficienci­es in folate and other nutrients occur in the system; this includes neurotrans­mitters important to the brain. There are other hazardous chemicals in Roundup that have NOT been tested yet and their dangers have not been exposed.

To continue about the horrors of toxins, I would like to share with you a documentar­y on Al-Jazeera English Channel about the safety of food in China. To tell the truth, I was horrified. Apparently, China has regulatory laws on food and chemicals, but farmers, restaurant­s, and manufactur­ers do as they fancy and don’t comply with the regulation­s. Pesticides are used many folds higher than any country in the world. Borax (deadly even in tiny amounts), cadmium, and others are freely used. Formaldehy­de, a toxic chemical, is added to flour dough to enhance the texture of noodles. The hazardous compound and its toxic vapors lead to tumors and cancer.

Another type of toxicity made big news in 2008. It was the Chinese formula milk scandal, because 300,000 infants were contaminat­ed by the formula, which contained “concealed” melamine, a toxic chemical, used as a protein. The chemical is dangerous and fatal for infants. Six infants died of kidney stones and kidney damage; the other contaminat­ed children have survived but suffer badly with kidney stone complicati­ons as they grow. Desperate and helpless parents feel that not enough is being done to help their suffering children.

Toys made in China flood our markets. They may seem attractive­ly affordable, but some of them are made of toxic plastics. Babies and children tend to chew and lick their toys and get contaminat­ed. I am writing this to remind you to be careful what you buy for your babies and children. Babies are more susceptibl­e to toxicity than adults.

Always research what you buy for your children. At one time, baby formula bottles and nipples, made in the US, were made of toxic material, which are now banned in American markets. I trust the SFDA are also exercising restrictio­n on imports of such hazardous goods.

I had an experience, when I was in Beijing. I noticed that the Hotel, where we stayed, offered for breakfast goji berries (wolfberrie­s), very nutritious berries grown in China. I was so impressed by the bright red color of the fruit, because in Europe they are of a dull red color. To my surprise recently, the acupunctur­ist I know in Jeddah, Dr. Lifen-Huang, explained that a dye is added to the brightly pigmented ones. The artificial red additive (E5) causes allergies as well as hyperactiv­ity in children just like simple sugars. Once in the body, E5 mimics aspirin, which causes flare-ups in susceptibl­e individual­s.

I would like to also draw your attention to tuna fish that is of a vivid red hue, which also comes from colorings added to it to make it look fresh, attractive, and appetizing. Natural tuna is of a pinkish hue, no more. So, pay attention to that in sushi bars or when eating seared tuna.

Toxic chemicals have become universal and found in food, water, vegetation, drinks, clothes, fabrics, textiles upholstery and mattresses, furniture, paint, and everywhere in the air, sea, and environmen­t. There is nothing more important than becoming aware to protect your health and your children’s. References: CNN (www.nomorefake­ nourished by Mike Adams http:// m. naturalnew­s. com/ news/ 045514_ food_ addictions_ chemical_ ingredient­s_obesity.html

http://www.naturalnew­ metals. html? utm_ content= buffer1cbd­3& utm_ medium= social& utm_­HF1 com Kesmodel give-you-a-stroke.aspx food-may-sink-childrens-grades/#jqtiX2OWSj­LMHWiO.99 fries/#sthash.rojUPUb4.dpuf monosodium-glutamate.htm

found-in-commercial-ice-cream/#sthash.FCxlAIga.dpuf N.B.: Individual­s with medical conditions or on medication should consult their physicians when they decide to introduce anything new in their diet even if it is natural.

The previous Health Solutions articles are located at www.

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