Arab News

KSA playing decisive role on Yemen, says Gambia


Gambia declared on Tuesday its support for the Saudi-led coalition which aims to restore the legitimate government of Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

“Gambia strongly commends Saudi Arabia for the decisive role it is playing in the fight against Houthi terrorists,” said the Gambian Embassy.

Gambia also expressed support for the UN Security Council Resolution of April 14, 2015, which orders the Houthi rebels to end the violence immediatel­y.

“We condemn in the strongest terms all those countries that support the Houthi terrorists by supplying them arms and funds,” the embassy said.

“The sole purpose of supporting the Houthi militias is to expand their influence in the region,” it said.

The embassy also said that the Houthi rebels should withdraw from areas they have seized, relinquish all arms and cease activities underminin­g the legitimate government’s authority.

“We note with grave concern that the Houthi coup in Yemen represents a major threat to the stability of the region and the whole Islamic world,” it said.

The embassy also called for a speedy and concerted effort to put an end “to the marauding blood- thirsty Houthi terrorists in Yemen.”

“Gambia stands ready to support and contribute to this endeavor. As true Muslims, we must stand up against the rise of these criminal cults disguised as Muslim jihadists,” said the embassy.

“Wiping them out was the true jihad for real Muslims.”

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