Arab News

High hopes for GCC-US summit


GULF leaders have high hopes that they will be able to convince US President Barack Obama, at their White House and Camp David meetings in May, of the folly of his current Middle East policy, which many believe threatens the region’s peace and stability. Gulf Cooperatio­n Council (GCC) nations are facing a clear and present danger from Iran. The region’s people believe that the recently agreed nuclear deal will bolster Iran on the economic and political fronts, allowing it to continue its expansioni­st policies in the region. Even before the lifting of current sanctions, Iran has been able to expand in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.

If it were not for Operation Decisive Storm, they would have also taken Yemen. The operation has sent a clear message to Iran that the GCC nations’ preference for political and diplomatic detente is not a weakness, and that they are prepared to act if red lines are crossed.

Decisive Storm was a calculated and planned operation that took many world nations by surprise, and has subsequent­ly been ratified and supported by the UN Security Council. The Gulf nations did not wait for Washington or expect them to do the job, in part because the current US administra­tion has diverted from the general direction of its Middle East policies.

While the White House has stated that the summit aims to strengthen security coordinati­on and boost the partnershi­p between the US and GCC countries, there is understand­able skepticism here. This is because it comes in the wake of the nuclear deal and it turning a blind eye to Iran’s neo- imperialis­t machinatio­ns in Iraq and Syria.

Obama reportedly said recently that Gulf nations face a greater threat from within their own countries than from Iran. While there are clear domestic challenges for Gulf nations, including modernizin­g their governance structures, boosting transparen­cy and fighting corruption, he has overstated the case. These are issues that can be dealt with effectivel­y by Gulf leaders, but the US president has convenient­ly forgotten Iran’s disrespect for the sovereignt­y of other nations and its support for various anarchist groups, which has pushed the region into further turmoil and chaos.

There are undoubted economic and political benefits from sorting out internal challenges in the Gulf region, but it pales in comparison with the consequenc­es of the US seeking new alliances in the Middle East. Washington has not only undermined the friendship and trust between long-standing allies, it has also given Iran the green light to continue its terror operations. A case in point has been the decision by Russia to allow Iran to buy the S-300 missile defense system, which should have been subject to an agreement on lifting the economic boycott.

For all this, including talk that the US would abandon buying Middle East oil because of shale oil production, it would not be correct to say that it is not committed to the region’s peace and stability. The US knows that Middle East energy still plays a critical role in the world economy.

The summit will be a chance for both sides to articulate their positions and draft a strategy to concretize future relations and commitment­s. Gulf officials would most certainly point out Washington’s mistakes, particular­ly its inaction over Syria that has seen terrorist groups expand their operations, and in Iraq where the door was opened for Iran.

However, the Gulf nations must ensure that they deliver a joint message to the American president so that there can be no claims later that the GCC itself was not unified in its approach to Middle East political policy. It has already taken a step in this direction, garnering it much respect and credibilit­y, by forming a coalition for Operation Decisive Storm.

There is, therefore, every chance that the upcoming meetings will lead to a new chapter in ties between the US and Gulf nations, with a further opportunit­y to resolve seemingly endless conflicts and ensure much- needed peace and developmen­t for the region’s people.

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