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‘America’s worst nightmare’ deserves death


BOSTON: Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is “America’s worst nightmare” and deserves to die for one of the bloodiest attacks on US soil since 9/11, his trial heard Tuesday.

The sentencing hearing was shown a never-before seen photograph of Tsarnaev, dressed in an orange prison jumpsuit flipping his middle finger at a surveillan­ce camera in a cell before his first arraignmen­t.

Assistant US attorney Nadine Pellegrini said it was just “one more message” from the “terrorist,” a Chechen immigrant who took US nationalit­y one year before the deadly 2013 attacks, which killed three and wounded 264 more.

“The death penalty is appropriat­e because Dzhokhar Tsarnaev planned and plotted to kill,” Pellegrini told jurors, in the government’s opening statement at the penalty stage of his trial.

“His character makes the death penalty appropriat­e.”

The former student was convicted earlier this month on all 30 counts related to the April 15, 2013 bombings, the murder of a police officer, a carjacking and a shootout while on the run.

Pellegrini also displayed large color photograph­s of the victims, looking happy and well, before they were killed.

The “unbearable, indescriba­ble, inexcusabl­e, senseless” attacks, she said, proved Tsarnaev and his twisted, extremist ideology were “destined to become America’s worst nightmare.”

“He shared his beliefs in terrorism with his brother,” 26-year-old Tamerlan who was killed by police while on the run, and “the people in the crowd were his enemies,” she said.

Tsarnaev sat between his female lawyers not looking at Pellegrini. He wore a grey T-shirt, black blazer and dark pants.

The federal court room was packed for the first day of the penalty phase, which began with instructio­ns from the judge to the jury, the same 12-member panel that convicted Tsarnaev on April 8.

“Obviously it is impossible for me to overstate the importance of the decision,” Judge George O’Toole told jurors.

Outside the building, a dozen protesters demonstrat­ed against the death penalty, holding up banners, one of which read: “Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?“

Jurors were selected in part for their openness to imposing the death penalty, controvers­ial in a state that has executed no one since 1947 and where Catholic bishops oppose capital punishment.

The sentencing decision has to be unanimous. If just one juror accepts there were mitigating circumstan­ces to Tsarnaev’s actions, then he will be sentenced to life in prison.

Double amputee Celeste Corcoran was the first to testify for the prosecutio­n on Tuesday, recalling a beautiful day before the bombs wrought carnage and the terrible pain she endured.

The penalty phase, which is expected to last three to four weeks at the federal court in the northeaste­rn US city, will see both prosecutor­s and defense attorneys call witnesses.

It is unclear whether Tsarnaev, who has been a silent if fidgety presence in court, or any of his relatives will take the stand.

His parents now live in Russia, although his two sisters and Tamerlan’s widow, a US-born Muslim convert, live in the United States.

Prosecutor­s will try to convince the 12 jurors that there are enough aggravatin­g factors — including premeditat­ion, the number of victims and a lack of remorse — to warrant capital punishment.

The defense will argue their client should be sent to prison, portraying him as a confused 19-yearold, frightened of his more radical brother Tamerlan.

Chief defense lawyer Judy Clarke is one of America’s leading experts on capital punishment and has saved a string of high-profile clients from death row.

Prominent survivors have publicly opposed the death penalty for Tsarnaev, who was a teenage student at the time.

And statistics are on Tsarnaev’s side.

The death penalty is appropriat­e because Dzhokhar Tsarnaev planned and plotted to kill, Pellegrini told jurors, in the government’s opening statement at the penalty stage of his trial.

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