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worked very hard and we have always had a great team. I’m still very proud of the outstandin­g work that Zoom Creative continues to do today,” he added. We met with Aljesr to talk about his experience, his brand and his future plans. Cities is a major store for upbeat luxury home accessorie­s and decor. Tell us a little about Cities.

Cities offers art, design and home décor objects for a diverse customer base. We have something for everyone from the casual shopper to the discerning collector. Items at Cities are diverse and distinctiv­e and come from all over the world. Our range of items includes work from up-and-coming-designers, famous designers, regional artists, limited edition pieces, and eclectic and unusual objects that cannot be found anywhere else.

In addition to our inventory, what sets Cities apart is our display. impressive. I really admire the Lebanese designers, because they aren’t satisfied just making good design, there is also a real push to maintain craft traditions while also simultaneo­usly embracing modern technologi­cal processes in manufactur­ing. Many of the designers go above and beyond to involve the community around them; they provide education and jobs, and they work to bring attention to the entire world of design. The design community is very supportive of one another, and in the last few years, design has really come to the forefront there through initiative­s, fairs, exhibits, and educationa­l events. They also show that they are worthy of all the interest they garner, because they back it up with good design. Nada Debs, Khaled El Mays, Nayef Francis, and Hawini, are all Lebanese designers that we carry at Cities, and they are all doing some amazing work. Who is your personal favorite designer?

That is a difficult question to answer. I don’t have just one favorite; there are so many designers who create work that I love. I’m very drawn to the work of Spanish designer Maximo Riera. His Millennial consoles are made from the lifeless wood of millennial olive trees. To prepare the wood is a lengthy process, but the result emphasizes the natural beauty of the wood. He creates the consoles to show that the wood can continue to have a purpose and share its beauty even in a different form. I feel a real affinity for that concept and his realizatio­n of it.

Nada Debs is always a favorite. She has set the standard for all other designers to aspire to, and she has created a style that is a perfect fusion of all her different influences and experience­s. She is the master of creating design that combines clean modern lines with traditiona­l touches and it speaks to so many of us on a personal level.

Finally, Tom Dixon is a designer whose work I really enjoy. I also have great respect for his business acumen. He continuous­ly invents new projects and initiative­s to reach his clients in original and innovative ways. I admire the versatilit­y of his methods and approach, and his distinctiv­e style. He has stayed true to his vision through so many changes and periods of growth, and he consistent­ly creates good, solid, well-crafted pieces that look good in any space. What is your opinion on the Arab design scene?

It’s happening; it’s improving, and many exciting new designers are entering the scene. There seems to be a focus on art over design many times, but they overlap in so many ways, that often one point of interest leads to the other. I think the biggest changes occurring are in the reception of new design; there is a greater openness and acceptance of diverse styles and innovative creations. People are more interested in pieces that are not just made in the classic and traditiona­l styles, and they are favoring works that express individual­ity and personalit­y in the home, and the market reflects that. There is more available and in a greater variety of styles and approaches than ever before. It’s very encouragin­g. What made you take part in Design Days Dubai and what was the impact of being part of it?

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