Arab News

Washington changes rules of engagement for Mosul fight


SOUTH OF MOSUL, Iraq: US Army Lt. Col. James Browning juggled phone calls on an overstuffe­d sofa in a small village south of Mosul. His counterpar­ts in the Iraqi Army’s 9th Division were pushing toward western Mosul, just a few miles away and were coming under mortar fire from the Daesh group as they moved on a power station.

Iraqi Army Brig. Gen. Walid Khalifa called Browning on a simple Nokia phone to relay the approximat­e location of the mortar fire. Browning swapped phones to make another call.

“Can you tell them that (the 9th Division) is receiving fire?” he told his coalition colleagues at another forward base overseeing the operation. He asked them to pinpoint where the attack was coming from using coalition aerial surveillan­ce and take it out.

Just a few months ago, Lt. Col. Browning’s phone conversati­on would have been impossible. Rather than request assistance directly, his call would have likely been routed through a joint command center much farther from the battle zone.

In the fight against the Daesh group in Mosul, the US has adjusted its rules of engagement as American and other internatio­nal troops are now closer to front-line fighting than before.

During the push to take Mosul Internatio­nal Airport on Thursday, American and European advisers were embedded with forward Iraqi rapid response and special forces units.

Coalition officials say the changes are helping speed up Iraqi military gains, but they mark a steady escalation of US involvemen­t in Iraq that also reflects lingering shortcomin­gs on the part of Iraq’s armed forces and growing political and military pressure to finish the Mosul operation quickly.

“Usually I’m right by his side,” Browning said between phone calls of his Iraqi Army counterpar­t Brig. Gen. Khalifa. “When a threat comes in like this, we take it just as seriously as if we are under threat.” This closer relationsh­ip is new. In the lead-up to the operation to retake Mosul, US forces steadily increased their footprint in Iraq, increasing the number of troops in the country and moving outposts closer to front-line fighting. But the number of US forces on or near the front lines remained relatively small.

Two months into the campaign to retake Iraq’s second-largest city from Daesh control, Iraqi forces appeared bogged down by weeks of grueling urban combat. Some front lines went stagnant for weeks and Iraqi forces were suffering relatively high casualty rates under fierce Daesh counteratt­acks.

On Dec. 26, US Army Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend issued a tactical directive sending more coalition troops away from the safety of their outposts, deeper into Mosul and closer to front lines to work side by side with their Iraqi counterpar­ts. In January, the Pentagon first confirmed that US forces were at times operating inside the city of Mosul.

As Iraqi special forces and rapid response units stormed Mosul’s airport and the sprawling Ghazlani base on the southern edge of the city’s west, coalition forces were embedded with forward units advising them on their plan of attack, according to two Iraqi officers overseeing the operation. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to talk to reporters.

Inside eastern Mosul, in the weeks leading up to that half of the city being declared “fully liberated,” said advisers like him embedded at the brigade level are now able to directly deliver support such as airstrikes and artillery fire to the units they’re partnered with. Previously, such support “would have gone through a whole bureaucrac­y and through Baghdad,” he said.

The spokesman for the US-led coalition, Air Force Col. John Dorrian, confirmed the rules of engagement in the fight against Daesh in Iraq were adjusted by the December directive, explaining that some coalition troops were given the “ability to call in airstrikes without going through a strike cell.”

More coalition forces have been “empowered” to have the ability to call in strikes in the Mosul operation, Col. Dorrian told a Pentagon press briefing on Wednesday.

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