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Duterte will pay price for drug killings, detained senator says


MANILA: A senator and detained critic of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs has warned he and his “blind followers” will pay for ignoring alleged extrajudic­ial killings, and should stop trying to fool the world their crackdown was above board.

Leila de Lima, who last year led a Senate probe into alleged summary killings during Duterte’s anti-drugs campaign, was arrested last week and has been remanded in police detention on drug charges.

“In due time, your president and those who blindly enforce his illegal orders to kill, fabricate evidence and concoct lies will be held accountabl­e,” De Lima said in a handwritte­n note posted on her official Facebook page on Friday.

The senator was responding to rebuttals by the president’s office and the police of a report by Human Rights Watch (HRW), which on Thursday challenged official accounts that thousands of killings during police opera- tions were in self-defense, and that due process had been followed.

The New York-based group said Duterte had turned a blind eye to murders by police in a “campaign of extrajudic­ial execution.” The president’s spokesman said the allegation­s, without proof, were “hearsay.”

De Lima, who is charged with facilitati­ng drug trades in jails when she was justice minister, said the denial of state-sponsored killings and demands for proof were insults to people’s intelligen­ce.

 ??  ?? People hold photos of their family members during a Holy Eucharist mass action against extra-judicial killings in Paranaque city, metro Manila. (Reuters)
People hold photos of their family members during a Holy Eucharist mass action against extra-judicial killings in Paranaque city, metro Manila. (Reuters)

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