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Trump’s ‘bromance’ with Putin appears to be cooling

- MATT SPETALNICK The writer is the Washington correspond­ent at Thomson Reuters.

WITH his administra­tion on the defensive over investigat­ions into alleged Russian meddling in last year’s election, US President Donald Trump is no longer tweeting praise for his Kremlin counterpar­t.

Less than five weeks after he took office, the chances of a spring thaw in relations between Washington and Moscow — once buoyed by an apparent “bromance” between Trump and President Vladimir Putin during the US political campaign — are looking much dimmer, US officials say.

His top foreign-policy advisers have started talking tougher on Russia, and the apparent cooling of Trump’s approach follows the resignatio­n last month of his first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, a vocal advocate of warmer ties with Moscow.

He was replaced by Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, who is more hawkish on Russia and allied with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, a retired Marine Corps general.

In one other sign of a stiffening attitude, two officials said the administra­tion had offered the job of top Russia adviser at the National Security Council to Russia scholar Fiona Hill, a leading Putin critic.

Her books include “Mr. Putin, Operative in the Kremlin,” an allusion to the Russian leader’s past as a KGB officer. It was not immediatel­y known whether she had accepted the post.

Pressure also has come to bear from Trump’s fellow Republican­s in Congress, long wary of his campaign overtures to Putin, and from European allies anxious over any sign that Trump might prematurel­y ease sanctions imposed on Russia after its annexation of Crimea and support for pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine.

Posing fresh obstacles to rapprochem­ent with Russia, analysts say, is mounting evidence that Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and other members of Trump’s team communicat­ed with Russian officials during and after the presidenti­al campaign.

The mushroomin­g inquiry, which is now focused on Sessions and his contacts with Moscow’s ambassador to Washington, has fueled calls for expanded investigat­ions into allegation­s that Moscow sought to sway the election outcome.

“There is so much panic in the US political establishm­ent over Russia right now that Trump will be boxed in on what he can do,” said Matthew Rojansky, a Russia expert at the Wilson Center think tank in Washington. White House officials say there were no improper contacts, and Russia denies any meddling. this week denounced Russia for casting a veto to protect the Syrian government from Security Council action over accusation­s of chemical weapons use, and also recently insisted the US would not recognize Russia’s seizure of Crimea.

Trump’s openness to closer ties to Russia and his emphasis, particular­ly during the campaign, on fighting terrorism sparked concerns among current and former US officials that he might trade away American interests in other areas in exchange for military and intelligen­ce cooperatio­n against groups such as Daesh.

Trump’s language on Russia now has shifted somewhat from campaign days, when he tweeted his admiration for Putin as a strong leader, and the Russian president paid him compliment­s.

Trump told a news conference in midFebruar­y that “I’d love to be able to get along with Russia,” but added: “It’s possible I won’t be able to get along with Putin.”

Two senior European officials this week told reporters in Washington they discerned an evolution in the Trump administra­tion’s stance toward Russia, saying there appeared to be no desire to engage in a “grand bargain” in which, for example, Ukraine-related sanctions might be eased in return for Russian action on other issues.

“What we consider reassuring is that, at least during our meetings, nobody came with this idea of a grand bargain, with the idea of a big deal,” said one senior European official on condition of anonymity.

A second senior European official said: “Vis-a-vis Russia, to be frank I have the impression that the analysis and the positions of this administra­tion are probably now closer to our position than (they) may have been two or three months ago.”

Recent Russian actions have created new complicati­ons, including a steppedup offensive by pro-Russian separatist forces in eastern Ukraine, and what the Pentagon described as the bombing this week by Russian and Syrian aircraft of US-backed Syrian fighters, which Moscow denied.

For its part, the Kremlin said on Wednesday it was patiently waiting for “some kind of actions” from the Trump administra­tion so it could understand what the future holds for relations.

“We have heard different statements from President Trump,” Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, told reporters.

US Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican member of the Foreign Relations Committee and former 2016 presidenti­al candidate, had words of caution for Trump about future dealings with Putin.

“We’ve had two presidents — a Republican and a Democrat — previous to the current president who thought they could do such a deal with Vladimir Putin,” he said on the Senate floor on Wednesday.

“Both of them fell on their face because they didn’t understand what they were dealing with. It’s my sincerest hope that our current president doesn’t make the same mistakes.”

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