Arab News

Saudi Gen. Asseri in Fox News Op-Ed: Kingdom backs US stance on Daesh, terror, Iran


DUBAI: An adviser to Saudi Arabia’s defense minister has penned an opinion editorial for Fox News, saying the Kingdom supports US President Donald Trump’s stance on terrorism and Iran.

Major Gen. Ahmed Hassan Mohammad Asseri’s Op-Ed was published Sunday under the headline “Saudi general: My country supports America’s tough stance against Daesh, terror and Iran.” In it, he welcomes American support.

“As Americans would say, ‘you’ve got our back.’ And America’s support is indispensa­ble as we stand together against a host of threats to regional stability,” Asseri wrote.

The article was published in the wake of a visit by Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to the US, where he was received by President Trump.

“President Trump enthusiast­ically endorsed the modernizat­ion drive that will make our country an even more valuable strategic partner. Similarly, our government welcomes the United States’ longstandi­ng support of the Saudi defense forces,” Asseri stated.

With regards to Iran, Asseri predicted that the two countries could work together to combat Iranian foreign policy.

“Saudi Arabia is prepared to work with the United States and its allies to restrain Iranian conduct, just as we have helped to stabilize the Arabian Gulf and its energy supplies since World War II.

“By conducting ballistic missile tests last month and meddling in Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, the Sinai Peninsula and even the Gulf States, Iran is imperiling the stability of our region,” he said, adding that “Iran is supporting and arming the Houthi militia, modeled on the terrorist Hezbollah movement that has destabiliz­ed Lebanon.”

Asseri also addressed the issue of internatio­nal terrorism, saying Saudi Arabia plays a major role in cutting off finances to extremist groups.

“On the financial front, Saudi Arabia works closely with the United States to cut off funding for Daesh and A-Qaeda. Through real-time informatio­n-sharing, we cooperate with the United States to shut down the flow of funds from western banks to Middle Eastern extrem- ists,” he wrote, adding “to ensure that charitable contributi­ons don’t subsidize terrorism, we prohibit Saudi mosques and aid organizati­ons from transferri­ng money outside our country.”

The major general sheds light on Saudi Arabia’s additional efforts to combat extremism, saying: “Saudi Arabia has created a center which operates 24/7 to analyze social media to identify and track terrorist efforts to recruit and activate new followers.”

Asseri concludes the article by saying Saudi Arabia is working with the US to combat Daesh, Al Qaeda and Iranian expansioni­sm.

“We stand shoulder-to-shoulder for a secure and stable Middle East in a peaceful and prosperous world,” he concluded.

 ??  ?? Major Gen. Ahmed Hassan Mohammad Asseri
Major Gen. Ahmed Hassan Mohammad Asseri

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