Arab News

South Sudan rebels blame government for aid worker ambush


JUBA: South Sudan rebels said on Monday the government should be held responsibl­e for the killing of six aid workers, the deadliest single assault on humanitari­an staff in a threeyear civil war.

The government said it was too early to say who was behind Saturday’s ambush, an attack condemned as a “heinous murder” by the UN.

The six died as they drove from the capital Juba to the town of Pibor, the UN said, through remote territory largely under government control but fought over by both sides in the conflict and plagued by militias and other armed groups.

The UN did not say which organizati­on the aid workers belonged to but called on “all those in positions of power” in South Sudan to stop the violence.

“It will be counterpro­ductive at this stage for anybody to rush for judgment without first allowing the truth to be establishe­d,” Akol Paul Kordit, the deputy Minister of Informatio­n, said in Juba.

Rebel fighters loyal to former vice president Riek Machar said the government should be held accountabl­e as the killings happened on its territory.

“We don’t have forces in that area. Instead its the government forces and militias who control that area,” said the spokesman for the rebel SPLM- IO forces, Lam Paul Gabriel.

Pibor is the main town in Boma state, a vast underdevel­oped territory bordering Ethiopia rocked by violence between competing clans earlier in March.

At least 79 aid workers have been killed since President Salva Kiir’s government forces clashed with Machar’s men in December 2013 — the product of a longrunnin­g rivalry between the two men that has split the country along ethnic lines.

UN monitors have found President Salva Kiir’s government is mainly to blame for the catastroph­e in his country, which — in less than six years of independen­ce — has col- lapsed into a chaotic ethnic war, with an epidemic of rape and a famine in parts of the country.

 ??  ?? Relatives of the six aid workers who were ambushed and killed grieve as they wait to collect and bury the bodies of their loved ones, outside the morgue in Juba, South Sudan, Monday. (AP)
Relatives of the six aid workers who were ambushed and killed grieve as they wait to collect and bury the bodies of their loved ones, outside the morgue in Juba, South Sudan, Monday. (AP)

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