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Trump: Paris terror attack ‘will probably help Le Pen’s chances’


WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump said Friday a deadly attack in Paris would have a “big effect” on France’s presidenti­al election and praised far-right candidate Marine Le Pen on immigratio­n, in unusually candid comments before the vote.

Trump, who enjoyed breaking with political convention on his way to the White House, likes ruffling political feathers, and also enjoys predicting further political earthquake­s around the globe that echo his shock November win.

In comments to The Associated Press, he said he was not endorsing Le Pen, but neverthele­ss called her the candidate who is “strongest on borders, and she’s the strongest on what’s been going on in France.”

The Republican president predicted the attack claimed by Daesh, in which a gunman shot dead a policeman and wounded two others on the world-famous ChampsElys­ees avenue, would “probably help” her chances.

“Another terrorist attack in Paris. The people of France will not take much more of this. Will have a big effect on presidenti­al election!” he tweeted earlier in the day.

Although Daesh very quickly claimed responsibi­lity, it wrongly identified the attacker, raising questions about its links to the incident, or at the very least to the shooter.

Police did however find a handwritte­n note praising Daesh near the slain attacker.

Whatever its provenance, the attack rocked France’s presidenti­al race. The country is in a state of emergency and at its highest possible level of alert since a string of terror attacks that began in 2015.

Three of the four presidenti­al frontrunne­rs — Le Pen, centrist Emmanuel Macron and conservati­ve Francois Fillon — called off campaign events planned for Friday in the wake of the attack.

The vote is being closely watched as a pivotal event amid a global swing to the right, including Trump’s election in November and Britain’s decision to exit the EU last summer, a move the US president has applauded.

Le Pen was one of the first to offer Trump her congratula­tions.

But when she was spotted in Trump Tower in January, Trump’s team made it clear that no meetings were scheduled.

And despite compliment­ary comments about some of her policies, White House spokesman Sean Spicer firmly denied that Trump had a preferred candidate in the race.

The US president has portrayed himself as a wily prognostic­ator of European politics more generally, notably claiming he foresaw Brexit. He also says he believes other countries will follow Britain’s example.

Beyond France, he has portrayed his victory as the start of a new political era, one in which more electoral surprises are to come.

Macron, a 39-year-old moderate, is presenting himself as a guarantor of the EU, promising reform and appealing to pro- the Europe sentiment among French electorate.

Le Pen, widely seen as taking the hardest line on security, has called for France to “immediatel­y” take back control of its own borders from the EU and deport all foreigners on a terror watchlist.

Barack Obama spoke to Macron on Thursday about the “important upcoming presidenti­al election in France,” a spokesman for the former US president said.

 ??  ?? A combinatio­n picture shows the five main candidates for the French presidenti­al election: Francois Fillon, Benoit Hamon, Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Melenchon. (Reuters)
A combinatio­n picture shows the five main candidates for the French presidenti­al election: Francois Fillon, Benoit Hamon, Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Melenchon. (Reuters)

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