Arab News

Philippine­s rejects ‘interferin­g’ European aid

Duterte approves recommenda­tion to reject EU grants


still be accepted but the EU ambassador to Manila, Franz Jessen, said the decision impacted € 250 million ($ 278 million) in grants.

Economic secretary Ernesto Pernia added to the confusion by saying Duterte may retract it. “I will not take that as a policy. It is more of a reaction to criticisms. To me, on face value, it appears kind of unwelcome or not a good move but perhaps, I don’t think it’s going to remain as such,” Pernia told reporters.

Duterte, 72, has repeatedly criticized European lawmakers and the EU for condemning his drug war, which has led to accusation­s of a crime against humanity.

The EU has said is reviewing Philippine exports’ duty-free status because of rights concerns, which also include Duterte’s plans to bring back the death penalty and lower the age of criminal responsibi­lity to nine.

Duterte last year used vulgar language and raised his middle finger in response to a European parliament statement expressing concern over the killings.

The German government also expressed concern after Duterte last year drew parallels between his drug war and Nazi Germany leader Adolf Hitler’s Holocaust.

“Hitler massacred 3 million Jews. Now there are 3 million drug addicts (in the Philippine­s). I’d be happy to slaughter them,” Duterte said, underestim­ating the number of people killed in the Holocaust.

He later apologized for the Hitler reference but said he was “emphatic” about wanting to kill addicts.

Duterte easily won presidenti­al elec- tions last year after promising to end crime by killing tens of thousands of drug trafficker­s and addicts.

Police have reported killing about 2,700 people since Duterte took office at the end of June and immediatel­y launched his war on drugs.

Unknown assailants have killed more than 1,800 others, while about 5,700 other violent deaths are under investigat­ion, according to police data.

Partly in response to American criticism of the drug war, Duterte has also loosened the Philippine­s’ ties with traditiona­l ally the United States.

Duterte has instead embraced China, which has supported his drug war and sought to deepen economic ties by providing billions of dollars worth of investment­s and aid to the Philippine­s.

Asked about how to make up for the loss of EU money, Abella said Duterte had already attracted huge new sources of funds.

“He has brought in an enormous amount, huge slabs of bacon,” Abella said, in an apparent reference to China.

Duterte, a self-described socialist, has also forged warmer relations with Russia, and will travel to Moscow next week to meet President Vladimir Putin.

 ??  ?? People pass by a €500 bill posted on a tarpaulin outside a foreign currency exchange shop in Manila on Thursday. (AP)
People pass by a €500 bill posted on a tarpaulin outside a foreign currency exchange shop in Manila on Thursday. (AP)

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