Arab News

Indonesian­s, Malaysians fighting with militants, says government White House backs Philippine fight against ‘cowardly terrorists’


ILIGAN CITY, Philippine­s: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte appealed to militants on Friday to abandon hostilitie­s and start dialogue in an effort to end their bloody occupation of a southern city that experts called a major blow to regional security.

Duterte said the presence of foreign fighters in street battles that have raged since Tuesday in Marawi City was proof that Daesh had gained a foothold on the restive island of Mindanao, but there was still a chance for peace.

“You can say that the ISIS (Daesh) is here already,” Duterte told soldiers in nearby Iligan City.

“My message mainly to the terrorists on the other side is we can still solve this through dialogue. And if you cannot be convinced to stop fighting, so be it. Let’s just fight.”

Special forces commandoes were deployed to drive out the remaining 20 to 30 Maute group rebels holed-up in Marawi but encountere­d heavy resistance on Friday. The army said 11 soldiers and 31 militants have been killed.

Fighting erupted Tuesday following a bungled raid by security forces on a Maute hideout, which spiraled into chaos, with gunmen seizing bridges, roads and buildings, and taking Christians hostage. Duterte responded by declaring martial law throughout his native island of Mindanao.

Rohan Gunaratna, a Singapore-based security expert, said the siege was a wakeup call for the Philippine­s. “Daesh capturing a major city in the Philippine­s is a very significan­t blow to the security and stability of this region,” he said.

“The Filipinos need to get their act together ... They must understand the truth that Daesh ideology took hold in their country. The local groups have transforme­d.”

Malaysians, Indonesian­s and other foreigners were among the guerrillas killed on Thursday, which the government said demonstrat­ed how the Philippine­s could become a haven for overseas militants.

The White House on Thursday said it backed the Philippine fight against “cowardly terrorists.”

President Duterte has warned of “contaminat­ion” by Daesh, exploiting the poverty, lawlessnes­s and porous borders of predominan­tly Muslim Mindanao island to establish a base for radicals from Southeast Asia and beyond.

He has pleaded with political and religious leaders to keep foreign and local militants at bay. Months of air and ground offensives in Mindanao have not dented their resolve.

“What’s happening in Mindanao is no longer a rebellion of Filipino citizens,” Solicitor General Jose Calida told reporters in explaining why martial law was imposed.

“It has transmogri­fied into invasion by foreign terrorists, who heeded the call of the Daesh to go to the Philippine­s if they find difficulty in going to Iraq and Syria.”

Most of Marawi’s 200,000 inhabitant­s fled after the gunmen ran amok on Tuesday, seizing and torching buildings, freeing militants from jails and taking a priest and churchgoer­s hostage at the city’s cathedral.

Duterte has dealt with separatist unrest during his 22 years as mayor in Mindanao but the Maute’s rise and signs that it has ties to another group, the Abu Sayyaf, present one of the biggest challenges of a presidency won on promises to fight drugs and lawlessnes­s.

Philippine intelligen­ce indicates the two groups from different parts of Mindanao are connected, through Isnilon Hapilon, a leader of a radical faction of Abu Sayyaf.

The militant group has a track record of banditry, piracy and violence, while the lesser-known Maute group has proven itself a fierce battlefiel­d opponent for the military, able to sustain air and artillery bombardmen­ts and regroup after heavy losses.

Hapilon was the target of Tuesday’s botched raid and Duterte said Daesh in the Middle East had anointed him as its man in the Philippine­s, and Hapilon was revered as its leader.

Military Chief Gen. Eduardo Ano said the fierce resistance by the Maute in Marawi was to protect Hapilon, who was in poor condition after being wounded in a January air strike.

 ??  ?? Smoke comes from a burning building in Marawi City, Philippine­s, on Friday. (Reuters)
Smoke comes from a burning building in Marawi City, Philippine­s, on Friday. (Reuters)

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