Arab News

Catalans woo immigrants in quest to split from Spain Madrid says independen­ce referendum is illegal


POLINYA, Spain: In a community hall in the Spanish region of Catalonia, two independen­ce activists take the stage against a backdrop of red and yellow striped Catalan flags: A Syrian-born tourist guide and a Spanish member of Parliament born in Uruguay.

With barely three months to go before an independen­ce referendum called for Oct. 1, naturalize­d immigrants are taking on an important and prominent role in the campaign both as activists and supporters.

Catalonia has one of the highest percentage­s of immigrants in Spain — just under 14 percent of residents are foreign-born — and their votes may boost the independen­ce movement in what is likely to be a close-run race.

Including them in the movement for nationhood is key says Catalonia’s deputy governor, Oriol Junqueras. “We want to be a very open and integrated society,” he told Reuters in Barcelona.

Campaigner­s are even encouragin­g migrants without the right to vote to ask work mates and friends to vote for independen­ce and are advocating Catalan nationalit­y for all migrants living in the region if it leaves Spain.

“All those who are officially registered as living in Catalonia will have the right to Catalan nationalit­y from day one of independen­ce,” said Uruguayan Ana Surra, Spanish member of parliament for Catalan proindepen­dence party ERC.

After a live performanc­e by a reggae singer in the community hall, organizers handed out leaflets saying: “Wherever you’re from, it’s in your hands to secure a better future for you and your children. Sign up to the Catalan Republic.”

“I want to call on everyone here to stand with us and to vote ‘yes’,” said Zuhair Altayeb, who fled Syria in 2011 and has Spanish nationalit­y by marriage.

With separatist sentiment on the wane from Scotland to Quebec, the pressure is on for Catalonia’s secessioni­sts as they attempt to push through a second ballot after a symbolic vote three years ago which was not recognized by Madrid.

Madrid says the new vote is illegal and must not take place.

Unlike the 2014 ballot, nonSpaniar­ds will not be able to vote in October because Catalonia wants to comply with national rules on voting to give the ballot more legitimacy. A majority of Catalans want to hold a referendum, polls show, with those in favor of a united Spain slightly in the lead.

Carles Puigdemont, the proindepen­dence regional governor, said in a televised debate in January that he supported giving Catalan nationalit­y to migrants living in the region, although he said that would ultimately be decided when a constituti­on for the proposed new country was drawn up.

Catalonia, Spain’s second most populous region and home to major city Barcelona, has for centuries attracted migrants to work in its textile, steel and chemical industries.

In the 1960s, tens of thousands of Spaniards from the poorer southern regions of Murcia and Andalucia also moved to the region in search of work. Their descendent­s speak Catalan and are some of the most vocal supporters of an independen­t state.

The Catalan regional government has worked to integrate migrants by providing free health care and education even to illegal immigrants registered as living in Catalonia.

Saoka Kingolo, who came to Spain from Congo in 1988 in search of work and to escape dictatorsh­ip, said his experience of Catalonia as an immigrant has been positive despite the big jump in the number of foreigners in recent years.

“At the most there have been one or two (xenophobic) incidents, but nothing serious,” said the 56-year-old independen­ce campaigner who works to promote the Catalan language and advocate immigrant rights in the region.

However, back in the hall in Polinya, all is not plain sailing. Members of the audience express concerns about their eligibilit­y to vote and what will happen to their Spanish residency papers if Catalonia gets independen­ce.

“I don’t like the idea of independen­ce,” said one Senegalese audience member. “If Catalonia splits off, what if another region wants to go? Spain won’t be Spain anymore.”

 ??  ?? A Catalan pro-independen­ce flag flutters as thousands of people take part in a recent demonstrat­ion in Barcelona in favor of Catalonia breaking away from Spain. (AFP)
A Catalan pro-independen­ce flag flutters as thousands of people take part in a recent demonstrat­ion in Barcelona in favor of Catalonia breaking away from Spain. (AFP)

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