Arab News

Iraqi rescuers in perilous search for Mosul missing

Daesh has lost 60% of territory, 80% of revenue: Analysts


MOSUL: With snipers lurking on rooftops and bombs hidden in the rubble, rescue workers are risking their lives in a desperate search for civilians buried during the battle for Iraq’s Mosul.

Overwhelme­d by a blazing sun and an unfathomab­le grief, Abdulrahma­n Mohammed and his brother Ammar smoke cigarettes in front of a digger as the workers clear through a mountain of debris in a cloud of dust.

The bodies of their brother Ahmed and his family, who disappeare­d while fleeing fierce fighting between Iraqi forces and terrorists in west Mosul, are believed to be trapped underneath.

After eliminatin­g the last snipers of Daesh, security forces on Tuesday allowed rescuers to tackle the debris.

But after such a long wait, there is little hope of finding survivors without a miracle.

“They’ve been buried for about three weeks, a whole family. It’s a tragedy,” Ammar says.

Abdulrahma­n thinks it is still possible that Ahmed and his family might have left the house before the bombardmen­t.

“Our only hope is that we don’t find them here,” he says.

On June 6, the Iraqi Army advanced inside the Zanjili district, where many civilians were trapped in their homes by order of Daesh.

Exhausted and hungry, some seized the chance to try to escape, including Ahmed, his wife and their six children.

But the family saw Daesh fighters coming and “took refuge with about 30 other civilians in the basement of a neighborin­g house,” says Abdulrahma­n.

Inside, the group was desperatel­y thirsty. A man volunteere­d to fetch water. On the way, a sniper’s bullet went through his cheek. Wounded, he did not return.

Minutes later, the house was hit by aerial bombardmen­t that people in the neighborho­od blamed on the US-led coalition supporting Iraqi troops on the ground against the militants.

“Maybe they made a mistake with the house or they bombed it because there were Daesh snipers on the roof,” Abdulrahma­n says.

The survivor told the two brothers, who alerted the civil defense, a unit within the Interior Ministry that has also helped victims in other parts of Iraq in recent years as the government retakes territory from Daesh.

Their job: To rescue the living and collect the dead so they can be buried with dignity.

“We did Fallujah, Ramadi ... But Mosul’s the worst,” says Maj. Saad Nawzad Rasheed.

His men sometimes arrive in time to save lives. Other times they are too late, hindered by snipers and makeshift bombs. “I’ve never seen so much destructio­n — women and children affected — all because of these dogs,” Rasheed says, referring to the terrorists.

Balanced on the edge of the heap of rubble, the digger struggles to clear the concrete blocks and twisted metal rods.

After more than an hour at work, objects appear at the bottom of a hole several meters deep, including two children’s dolls. After one more strike by the digger, a rescuer shouts: “Stop!”

Abdulrahma­n and Ammar approach. There are no traces of their relatives at the bottom. But a little higher up there is an unexploded rocket, threatenin­g to fall. The excavator will not dig any more, especially since the army has just discovered two car bombs in the vicinity, one of which is less than 50 meters away.

“It’s too dangerous to dig in these conditions. We’ll let the army clear any bombs first,” Rasheed says. That means a delay of at least two days. It is a crushing blow for the brothers. But Abdulrahma­n still holds out hope. “Maybe they fled to the Old City,” he says, pointing to the warren of alleyways from which black smoke rises on the horizon as Iraqi forces try to flush out extremists holed up among tens of thousands of trapped civilians.

Meanwhile, an analysis firm said Thursday Daesh has lost more than 60 percent of its territory and 80 percent of its revenue.

In January 2015, Daesh controlled about 90,800 square km, but by June 2017, that number dropped to 36,200, said IHS Markit.

The biggest fall was in the first six months of 2017, when Daesh lost around 24,000 square km of territory. “The Islamic State’s (Daesh) rise and fall has been characteri­zed by rapid inflation, followed by steady decline,” said Columb Strack, senior Middle East analyst at IHS Markit.

“Three years after the ‘caliphate’ was declared, it is evident that the group’s governance project has failed,” Strack said.

IHS Markit said Daesh’s average monthly revenue has plummeted by 80 percent, from $81 million in the second quarter of 2015 to just $16 million in the second quarter of 2017.

“Losing control of the heavily populated Iraqi city of Mosul, and oil rich areas in the Syrian provinces of Raqqa and Homs, has had a particular­ly significan­t impact on the group’s ability to generate revenue,” said senior analyst Ludovico Carlino.

As a result, Daesh was likely to shift its funding structure toward “a future insurgency through a real-war economy.”

 ??  ?? An Iraqi civil defense worker looks at rubble as his team searches for victims in western Mosul’s Zanjili district. (AFP)
An Iraqi civil defense worker looks at rubble as his team searches for victims in western Mosul’s Zanjili district. (AFP)

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