Arab News

Ankara angry as Berlin blocks Erdogan’s Germany speech

Request to address ethnic Turks turned down


BERLIN: Germany said Thursday it had rejected a request by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to address ethnic Turks living in Germany next week on the sidelines of a G-20 Summit, sparking an angry response from Ankara.

Berlin-Ankara relations have badly deteriorat­ed amid disputes over Turkey’s mass crackdown in the wake of a failed coup last year and a host of other rights issues.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said Berlin had received a request for Erdogan to be able to address members of the 3-million-strong Turkish diaspora in the EU country.

“I explained weeks ago to my Turkish colleagues that we don’t think that would be a good idea,” Gabriel said during a Russia visit, pointing at stretched police resources around the July 7-8 G-20 Summit in Hamburg.

“I also said quite frankly that such an appearance would not be appropriat­e given the current adversaria­l situation with Turkey,” he added, stressing that Erdogan would however be “received with honors” at the summit.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement that “it is regrettabl­e that German politician­s make unacceptab­le remarks motivated it seems by political calculatio­ns.”

The spokesman of the ruling Justice and Developmen­t Party (AKP) led by Erdogan said there was “nothing more natural” than the president meeting Turks in Germany.

“The attitude of Germany is unacceptab­le,” AKP spokesman Mahir Unal told NTV television, adding that Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu would continue contacts on the issue.

Gabriel said he could “understand” his Social Democratic Party’s chancellor-candidate Martin Schulz, who had said “foreign politician­s who abuse our values must not be allowed to give inflammato­ry speeches in Germany.”

“I don’t want Mr. Erdogan, who is jailing members of the opposition and journalist­s in Turkey, to hold large-scale events in Germany,” Schulz told the Bild newspaper.

Directly criticizin­g Schulz, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said the comments by the former president of the EU Parliament showed the “true face of the mentality that we are confronted with.”

Erdogan last addressed TurkishGer­mans in May 2015, in the city of Karlsruhe. The large Turkish diaspora is a legacy of Germany’s massive post-war “guest worker” program of the 1960s and 1970s.

Tensions have worsened further over the campaign ahead of the April 16 referendum on expanding Erdogan’s powers, where Germany and other EU states blocked attempts by figures in his ruling party to hold rallies abroad.

Erdogan, who won the referendum, accused Berlin of behavior reminiscen­t of the Nazis, prompting condemnati­on in Germany.

Adding to the tensions, Turkey imprisoned Deniz Yucel, a German-Turkish journalist with Die Welt daily, on terror charges earlier this year.

And this month Germany decided to withdraw its troops who support the fight against Daesh in Syria from NATO partner Turkey’s Incirlik base and move them to Jordan after German lawmakers were refused the right to visit the base.

 ??  ?? Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

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