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20 years after UK’s handover of Hong Kong to China


The current radicaliza­tion of Hong Kong citizens reflects a desire to make China pay a price for reneging on its promise of ‘self-rule’ and responding to dissent with repression.

JULY 1 marks the 20th anniversar­y of the UK’s handover of Hong Kong to China, under a model called “one country, two systems.” But an unavoidabl­e question will hang over the official commemorat­ions: Is there really anything to celebrate? If you had asked Deng Xiaoping, the architect of the “one country, two systems” model, what the handover’s 20th anniversar­y would look like, he might have said Hong Kong’s residents would be toasting to their prosperity and liberty. China’s leaders would be showcasing their credibilit­y and governing capacity, finally quieting the chorus of naysayers who had doubted the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the sincerity of its promises to Hong Kong.

But the reality is very different. Today, scenes that would have been unthinkabl­e in Hong Kong in 1997 — mass anti-China demonstrat­ions, the election of anti-CCP radicals to the city’s legislatur­e and open calls for independen­ce — have become routine.

Powerful economic forces — including China’s rise, globalizat­ion, high inequality and soaring property prices — have buffeted Hong Kong since 1997, underminin­g the city’s competitiv­eness and contributi­ng to social discontent.

But while adverse socioecono­mic factors have exacerbate­d popular frustratio­n, the mass protests that have become a fact of life in the city are political protests centered on the rights of Hong Kong’s people. Against this background, few would call “one country, two systems” a success. The model was probably doomed from the start due to several fatal flaws in its structure.

For starters, the language committing China to respect the democratic rights of the people of Hong Kong was deliberate­ly vague. Even the joint declaratio­n signed by the British and Chinese government­s in 1984, which set the stage for the 1997 handover, offered the somewhat imprecise promise that the chief executive would be appointed by China “on the basis of the results of elections or consultati­ons to be held locally.”

Moreover, the only party with the power to enforce the terms of the joint declaratio­n, not to mention Hong Kong’s mini-constituti­on — known as the Basic Law — is the central government in Beijing. As a result, China’s leaders could fail to honor the spirit or even the explicit terms of their commitment­s with impunity.

The current radicaliza­tion of Hong Kong citizens, particular­ly its young people, reflects a desire to change that, and to make China pay a price for reneging on its promise of “self-rule” and responding to dissent with repression.

There is one more feature of the “one country, two systems” scheme that has doomed it: China’s deliberate decision to rule Hong Kong through crony capitalist­s. As ironic as it may sound, China’s so-called Communists apparently trust Hong Kong’s tycoons more than its masses (perhaps because buying off tycoons costs a lot less).

But because their loyalty lies with their backers in Beijing, not the people of the city they administer, Hong Kong’s crony capitalist­s are bad politician­s. Under the CCP, they have gained power and privileges that were unattainab­le under British rule. That has made them unresponsi­ve to their constituen­cy as it becomes increasing­ly alienated from its patrons. As a result, China’s proxies have failed spectacula­rly at securing popular legitimacy.

Consider the fate of Hong Kong’s chief executives, hand-picked by China’s rulers to run the city. The first, Tung Chee-hwa, faced half a million protesters in 2003; in 2005, halfway through his second term, his ever-growing unpopulari­ty drove him to resign.

Tung’s successor Donald Tsang completed his two terms, but just barely, and he was jailed for corruption (along with his No. 2) after leaving office. Leung Chun-ying, who came next, was such a disaster that China’s rulers had to cashier him after just one term.

The “one country, two systems” approach has not been an unmitigate­d disaster. Given the vast cultural, economic and institutio­nal gaps between Hong Kong and the mainland, things could have been much worse. But that does not make it a sustainabl­e model. It may well already be dead.

In the back of their minds, China’s leaders have always sought to move toward a “one country, one system” model for Hong Kong. Deng thought such a transition would take 50 years, but it took his successors only 20, and they did not even fully realize it was happening. Whatever policies Beijing pursues in Hong Kong between now and 2047, the goal will be to make the present — particular­ly the absence of political rights — look more like the future.

QMinxin Pei is a professor of government at Claremont McKenna College and the author of “China’s Crony Capitalism.” © Project Syndicate

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