Arab News

Pope declines to renew mandate for German doctrine chief


VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis declined Saturday to renew the mandate of the Vatican’s conservati­ve doctrine chief, tapping instead a deputy to lead the powerful congregati­on that handles abuse cases and guarantees Catholic orthodoxy around the world.

In a short statement, the Vatican said Francis thanked Cardinal Gerhard Mueller for his service. Mueller’s five-year term ends this weekend and he turns 75 in December, the normal retirement age for bishops.

Francis could have kept him on, but declined to do so. The two have clashed over the pope’s opening to allowing civilly remarried Catholics to receive Communion. Mueller has insisted they cannot, given church teaching on the indissolub­ility of marriage.

The Jesuit pope tapped Jesuit Monsignor Luis Ferrer, the current No. 2 in the Congregati­on for the Doctrine of the Faith, to succeed Mueller.

It was the second major shake-up this week, after Francis granted another Vatican hard-liner, Cardinal George Pell, a leave of absence to return to his native Australia to face trial on assault charges.

Mueller and Pell are two of the most powerful cardinals in the Vatican, after the Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin. Their absences will likely create something of a power vacuum for the conservati­ve wing in the Holy See hierarchy.

Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI tapped Mueller, a fellow German, to lead the congregati­on in 2012. Benedict took a hard line against clerical abuse during his time as prefect of the congregati­on himself, and later as pope, defrocking hundreds of priests accused of raping and molesting children.

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