Arab News

Bangladesh marks first anniversar­y of deadly cafe siege


DHAKA, Bangladesh: Hundreds of people gathered Saturday at the site of one of the worst militant attacks in Bangladesh’s history to mark the first anniversar­y of the deadly attack on an upscale Dhaka cafe.

Weeping mourners laid flowers outside the old premises of the Holey Artisan Bakery, the cafe which five young men armed with guns and knives stormed into on July 1, 2016, taking dozens hostage and killing 22 people.

Most of the victims were foreigners — mostly Italian and Japanese nationals — and many were brutally hacked to death.

Since then, the lakeside property has been cordoned off first by police and then by the owners — the bakery itself has reopened at a new, more secure, location.

Amid heavy police security, the two-story white-painted house was opened up for four hours on Saturday, as top political leaders, the Italian and Japanese ambassador­s, and scores of tearful mourners paid tribute to the victims of the siege.

“The memories are painful and awful,” Monica Chowdhury, the aunt of one of the victims, Faraaz Hossain, said.

“This is not the true face of Bangladesh. We’ve lost friends. I’ve lost my nephew. It hurts deep inside my heart,” she said.

Bangladesh’s Cultural Affairs Minister Asaduzzama­n Nur told reporters that the government had never imagined this kind of attack could occur in the country.

“Bangladesh has a long history of rich culture and liberal practices. This attack was also an attack on our heritage,” he said.

Bangladesh is gradually “overcoming the threat” posed by violent extremism, he added.

Mourner Husne Ara said that while she had not lost any friends or relatives during the attack, it had shaken her deeply and changed her life.

“The anxiety I feel nowadays when my children go out can’t be expressed in words. I pray this kind of incident never repeats,” she said.

Daesh immediatel­y claimed the attack but the secular government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has repeatedly denied that Daesh has any presence in the country, instead pinning the blame on homegrown terror outfits.

Since the attack, the law enforcemen­t officers have gunned down nearly 70 extremists across the country including the Bangladesh­i-origin Canadian “mastermind” of the cafe siege.

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 ??  ?? A relative of a victim of last year's attack pays floral tribute, with Italian Ambassador to Bangladesh Mario Palma, left, standing by at the site of last year's attack on the Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka on Saturday. (AP)
A relative of a victim of last year's attack pays floral tribute, with Italian Ambassador to Bangladesh Mario Palma, left, standing by at the site of last year's attack on the Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka on Saturday. (AP)

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