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US cities ramp up removal of Confederat­e statues

Pressure builds to remove signs of supremacy


NEW YORK: Undeterred by the violence over the planned removal of a Confederat­e statue in Charlottes­ville, Virginia, municipal leaders in cities across the US said they would step up efforts to pull such monuments from public spaces.

The mayors of Baltimore and Lexington, Kentucky, said they would push ahead with plans to remove statues caught up in a renewed national debate over whether monuments to the US Civil War’s pro-slavery Confederac­y are symbols of heritage or hate.

Officials in Memphis, Tennessee, and Jacksonvil­le, Florida, announced new initiative­s on Monday aimed at taking down Confederat­e monuments. And Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam, a Republican, urged lawmakers to rid the state’s Capitol of a bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederat­e general and early member of the Ku Klux Klan.

“This is a time to stand up and speak out,” Lexington Mayor Jim Gray said in an interview on Monday. He had moved up the announceme­nt of his city’s efforts after the Charlottes­ville violence.

The clashes between white supremacis­ts and counter protesters that left three dead in Charlottes­ville on Saturday, including two police officers whose helicopter crashed, appeared to have accelerate­d the push to remove memorials, flags and other reminders of the Confederat­e cause.

Some opponents appeared to take matters into their own hands. A crowd of demonstrat­ors stormed the site of a Confederat­e monument outside a courthouse in Durham, North Carolina, on Monday and toppled the bronze statue from its base.

Local television news footage showed numerous protesters taking turns stomping and kicking the fallen statue as dozens of others stood cheering and yelling.

In Baltimore, a Confederat­e monument of a dying Confederat­e soldier embraced by a winged angel-like figure was found defaced by red paint, apparently an act of vandalism carried out over the weekend, the Baltimore Sun reported.

The drive by civil rights groups and others to do away with Confederat­e monuments gained momentum after an avowed white supremacis­t murdered nine AfricanAme­ricans at a Charleston, South Carolina, church in 2015. The deadly shooting rampage ultimately led to the removal of a Confederat­e flag from the statehouse in that city.

In all, as of April, at least 60 symbols of the Confederac­y had been removed or renamed across the US since 2015, according to the latest tally by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

But such efforts also have made Confederat­e flags and memorials a rallying point for white supremacis­ts and other groups of the extreme right, according to Ryan Lenz, a spokesman for the SPLC, which tracks hate groups.

While opponents of Confederat­e memorials view them as an affront to African-Americans and ideals of racial diversity and equality, supporters of such symbols argue they represent an important part of history, honoring those who fought and died for the rebellious Southern states in the Civil War.

New Orleans’ efforts to dismantle four Confederat­e statues sparked protests and litigation that became so contentiou­s that crews waited until the middle of the night to remove a 14-foot-tall bronze likeness of Confederat­e Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard on horseback in May.

The violence in Charlottes­ville is unlikely to bolster the argument about the value of maintainin­g the monuments for historical value, Carl Jones, chief of heritage operations for the Sons of Confederat­e Veterans, said in a telephone interview. But he said he would continue to make that case.

“Where does it stop?” he said. “The Egyptian pyramids were built by slaves. Do we tear those down?”

Across the country, 718 Confederat­e monuments and statues remain, with nearly 300 of them in Georgia, Virginia or North Carolina, according to the SPLC.

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 ??  ?? A protester kicks the toppled statue of a Confederat­e soldier after it was pulled down in Durham, N.C. Monday. (AP)
A protester kicks the toppled statue of a Confederat­e soldier after it was pulled down in Durham, N.C. Monday. (AP)

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