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North Korean leader holds off on Guam missile plan

Kim’s comments will ‘possibly de-escalate a growing crisis’


SEOUL: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said Tuesday he would hold off on a planned missile strike near Guam, but warned the highly provocativ­e move would go ahead in the event of further “reckless actions” by Washington.

Some analysts suggested Kim’s comments opened a possible path to de-escalating a growing crisis fueled by bellicose words between US President Donald Trump and the North Korean leadership.

Their recent exchanges were focused on a North Korean threat to fire a volley of four missiles over Japan toward the US territory of Guam, which hosts a number of strategic military bases.

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said Kim was briefed on the “plan for an enveloping fire at Guam” during an inspection on Monday of the Strategic Force command in charge of the nucleararm­ed state’s missile units.

But Kim said he would “watch a little more the foolish and stupid conduct of the Yankees” before executing any order.

If they “persist in their extremely dangerous reckless actions on the Korean peninsula,” then North Korea would take action “as already declared,” he was quoted as saying.

“In order to defuse the tensions and prevent the dangerous military conflict on the Korean peninsula, it is necessary for the US to make a proper option first,” he added.

Kim’s remarks would appear to bring into play the large-scale military exercises held every year by South Korea and the US that are expected to kick off later this month.

The North has always denounced the drills as provocativ­e rehearsals for invasion and has in the past offered a moratorium on further nuclear and missile testing in exchange for their cancelatio­n — a trade-off promoted by Pyongyang’s main ally China, but repeatedly rejected by Washington and Seoul.

Some analysts said Kim was seeking a similar quid-pro-quo this time around, using the Guam missile threat as leverage.

“This is a direct invitation to talk reciprocal constraint­s on exercises and missile launches,” said Adam Mount, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.

John Delury of Yonsei University in Seoul said Kim was “de-escalating, putting Guam plan on ice” — at least for now.

“We are not out of the woods. Both sides need to keep taking steps to de-escalate in words and deed. Diplomacy needs to go in high gear,” he added.

The US and South Korea insist their annual joint exercises are purely defensive, and cannot be linked to the North’s missile program, which violates a host of UN resolution­s.

Joshua Pollack, a senior research associate at the Middlebury Institute of Internatio­nal Studies at Monterey, said Pyongyang was using the Guam threat as “straight-up blackmail.”

The North Korean announceme­nt prompted joy in Guam, where officials described themselves as “almost ecstatic that Kim Jong-un has backed off.”

Tensions have been mounting since the North tested two interconti­nental ballistic missiles last month, which appeared to bring much of the US within range.

Responding to the tests, Trump warned Pyongyang of “fire and fury like the world has never seen,” while the North responded with the plan to fire missiles close to Guam.

The standoff has sparked global alarm, with world leaders including Chinese President Xi Jinping urging calm on both sides.

South Korean President Moon Jaein weighed in on Tuesday, saying Seoul would avoid a second Korean War at all costs.

 ??  ?? Protesters shout as they hold umbrellas during a rally demanding peace on the Korean Peninsula in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday. (AP)
Protesters shout as they hold umbrellas during a rally demanding peace on the Korean Peninsula in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday. (AP)

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