Arab News

Three ministers replaced in Algerian Cabinet reshuffle


ALGIERS: Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika nominated three new Cabinet ministers on Thursday, two days after bringing back veteran loyalist Ahmed Ouyahia for a fourth term as prime minister.

The reshuffle included the appointmen­t of Youcef Yousfi as minister for industry and mines, Mohammed Benmeradi as trade minister, and Abdelwahid Temmar as housing minister, according to a presidency statement.

Energy Minister Mustapha Guitouni and Finance Minister Abderraham­ane Rouia remain in place.

The changes are at a delicate time for Algeria, which is trying to adjust to a sharp fall in energy earnings that have put expansive public spending programs at risk.

State revenues dropped from $60 billion in 2014 to $27.5 billion in 2016, pushing the government to freeze several projects, stop hiring some civil servants, and reduce imports.

Ouyahia’s predecesso­r, Abdelmadji­d Tebboune, was dismissed after less than three months in the job.

Ouyahia is seen as a dependable and experience­d operator now tasked with managing sensitive spending cuts and reducing Algeria’s bloated import bill.

He had previously been serving as Bouteflika’s chief of staff.

The 80-year-old president has rarely been seen in public since suffering a stroke in 2013.

New Industry Minister Yousfi is a specialist in the hydrocarbo­ns industry who has previously served as energy minister.

His most recent post was as an energy adviser to the presidency.

 ??  ?? Ahmed Ouyahia, leader of Rally for National Democracy, gives a speech during a parliament­ary election campaign in Algiers on April 29. (Reuters)
Ahmed Ouyahia, leader of Rally for National Democracy, gives a speech during a parliament­ary election campaign in Algiers on April 29. (Reuters)

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