Arab News

ICC rules militant liable for $3.15m for Timbuktu rampage


THE HAGUE: War crimes judges said Thursday that a Malian militant was liable for €2.7 million ($3.15 million) in personal damages for destroying Timbuktu’s fabled shrines in 2012, as they ordered reparation­s in a landmark ruling.

The Internatio­nal Criminal Court (ICC) ordered that the victims of the razing of the fabled west African city’s historic treasures be paid “individual, collective and symbolic” reparation­s.

But the judges at The Hague-based tribunal also recognized that Ahmad Al-Faqi Al-Mahdi — jailed last September for nine years — was penniless, saying it was now up to the Trust Fund for Victims to decide how the outstandin­g amount will have to be paid.

The fund was created in 2004 by the ICC’s state parties with the aim of addressing harms resulting from genocide, crimes of humanity and war crimes.

It implements any reparation­s ordered by the court — including financial payments — and aids victims. Funding comes from public and private donors as well as court-ordered fines and forfeiture­s.

The fund now has until Feb. 16 to come up with a plan how to implement Thursday’s reparation­s award.

Judges further ordered the Malian state and the internatio­nal community be compensate­d with a symbolic amount of €1 each for damages suffered.

Militants used pickaxes and bulldozers against nine mausoleums and the centuries-old door of the Sidi Yahya mosque, part of a golden age of Islam after overrunnin­g northern Mali in 2012.

Timbuktu, founded by Tuareg tribes between the 5th and 12th centuries, has been nicknamed “the city of 333 saints,” referring to the number of Muslim sages buried there.

During a halcyon period in the 15th and 16th century, the city was revered as a center of Islamic learning — but for 21st century Muslim fanatics, its moderate form of Islam was idolatrous.

The assault on the UNESCO world heritage site triggered global opprobrium, but also led to a legal precedent.

Al-Mahdi’s case was the first to come before the Hague-based ICC as a crime of cultural destructio­n.

He was jailed for nine years in 2016 after he pleaded guilty to directing attacks on the world heritage site and apologized to the Timbuktu community.

The destructio­n of the shrines carried “a message of terror and helplessne­ss and destroyed part of humanity’s shared memory and collective consciousn­ess,” Judge Raul Pangalanga­n said.

“It renders humanity unable to transmit its values and knowledge to future generation­s,” he added.

Jailing Al-Mahdi sent a strong warning that destroying cultural heritage would not go unpunished, and reparation­s will aim to “alleviate the lasting imprints” of the crime, Alina Balta at Tilburg University’s Internatio­nal Victimolog­y Institute said.

According to the court’s 1998 founding accord, the Rome Statute, judges can determine that victims are entitled to reparation­s including “restitutio­n, compensati­on and rehabilita­tion.”

The court can also hand out an order directly against a convicted person, demanding similar reparation­s.

Thursday’s award will now be closely scrutinize­d, given concern about whether substantia­l funds can be secured, and the time it will take to reach victims.

The security situation in northern Mali “poses serious challenges,” the Trust Fund for Victims has warned.

“The chamber notes the informatio­n received that the security situation in Timbuktu makes traveling there or contacting victims difficult,” the judges said.

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