Arab News

Egypt’s first bitcoin exchange to begin trading this month

Cabinet also passes regulation­s for new investment law


CAIRO: Egypt’s first bitcoin exchange will go live later this month, the founders of Bitcoin Egypt said, linking the Middle East’s most populous country with a cryptocurr­ency that has surged in value in recent months.

Many government­s around the world are still mulling how to regulate and classify bitcoin, a volatile digital currency that has captured the interest of speculativ­e investors worldwide as its value has soared, roughly quadruplin­g since the start of 2017 and trading at around $4,400 on Thursday.

Egypt, most of whose 93 million people have no bank accounts but where electronic payments have grown in recent years, lacks regulation­s for digital currency. This means local retailers cannot accept it as payment but users on an exchange may be left to trade freely, potentiall­y cashing in on its ascent.

“We’re still waiting on the Egyptian government to set some kind of regulation­s ... Without any laws, bitcoin is not legal money in Egypt,” said Bitcoin Egypt founder Rami Khalil.

He said the exchange has picked up about 300 pre-registrati­ons from users ahead of its launch.

The Egyptian Financial Supervisor­y Authority, the country’s financial markets regulator, did not respond to requests for comment.

Khalil and co-founder Omar Abdelrasou­l see their platform connecting a community of several thousand bitcoin enthusiast­s who will for the first time be able to trade in Egyptian pounds, which have roughly halved in value since November after flotation under an Internatio­nal Monetary Fund loan program.

“Cryptoasse­ts are happening whether (the Egyptian government) joins in or not. And by not joining they’re missing out on a very big market. Currently bitcoin is about a $70 billion market,” said Khalil.

Cryptocurr­encies allow anonymous peer-to-peer transactio­ns between individual users, without the need for banks or central banks.

Bitcoin’s lack of central authority makes it attractive to those wanting to get around capital controls. This has helped it proliferat­e in China, the world’s most active bitcoin market, but has led some government­s to crack down on its use to prevent money laundering.

Those same dynamics could propel bitcoin in Egypt, where a shortage of hard currency after the 2011 uprising sharply restricted bank transfers. Though liquidity at banks has improved and capital controls have been lifted in recent months, businesses still resort to a black market for dollars to obtain currency not available in the formal banking system.

“We’re trying to get people used to the idea of bitcoin, to ready the market so that in a couple of years we will reach a greater number of users. But for now we are trying to let people know what cryptocurr­ency is,” said Abdelrasou­l.

Egypt’s cabinet passes regulation­s for new investment law

Meanwhile, Egypt’s Cabinet on Thursday passed regulation­s for a new investment law aimed at attracting foreign investors to help the economy recover after a 2011 uprising.

Investment Minister Sahar Nasr said the law will now be passed to Egypt’s administra­tive court, the state council, which is expected to give a final legal review before the law enters into force.

The law aims to cut bureaucrac­y, especially for starting projects, and provide more incentives to investors looking to put money into Egypt.

Egypt’s economy has been struggling since the 2011 uprising drove tourists and foreign investors away, drying up foreign currency. Egypt signed a $12 billion Internatio­nal Monetary Fund program last year aimed at reviving the economy.

New incentives under the investment law include a 50 percent tax discount on investment­s made in underdevel­oped areas, and government support for the cost of connecting utilities to new projects.

Under the law, investors can recoup half of what they pay to acquire land for industrial projects if production begins within two years.

It also restores private-sector free zones — areas exempt from taxes and customs — a policy that had held up the law’s passage because of objections to forfeiting tax revenues at a time of austerity.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi ratified the long-delayed investment law in June.

 ??  ?? The value of bitcoin has roughly quadrupled since the start of 2017 and was trading at around $4,400 on Thursday. (Reuters)
The value of bitcoin has roughly quadrupled since the start of 2017 and was trading at around $4,400 on Thursday. (Reuters)

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