Arab News

At last, US leaders who know the truth about Iran


A strongly worded statement from 30 prominent Americans shows that the Iranian people may finally have support for the change they want and deserve.

THERE is a need for a more firm approach toward the Iranian government and its increasing­ly aggressive foreign policy. Tehran is ratcheting up its interferen­ce and interventi­ons in Arab countries. Iran’s Revolution­ary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its affiliates are increasing domestic repression as well, according to the latest reports by human rights organizati­ons.

Support for a firm approach against the Iranian political establishm­ent is increasing in the United States. About 30 prominent American luminaries and former officials issued a joint statement expressing bipartisan support for underscori­ng the need for countering Tehran regime. Among the signatorie­s were former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

It is crucial to point out that the Iranian government has been causing regional instabilit­y, engaging in egregious human rights violations and exporting terrorism and extremism abroad. The letter scolds the Iranian regime for committing these acts.

The view that the regime can be reformed has been proved to be inaccurate, simplistic and unsophisti­cated. Former US presidents made efforts to moderate Iran’s foreign policy through engagement, diplomacy or concession­s. Neverthele­ss, as history reveals, these efforts have failed.

Any astute observer can see that the core revolution­ary pillars of Iran’s foreign policy have not altered since the establishm­ent of the Islamic Republic in 1979. In fact, Tehran has become more revolution­ary, belligeren­t and aggressive. The high-profile US personalit­ies and former officials also rejected the idea that the regime can be moderated. As they wrote: “The hope of some Western government­s was that time would lead to moderation by the Mullahs or to the emergence of a reformist faction that could challenge the dominance of the clerical regime. The reality has been far different. We agree with the apparent new US policy of ending the previous US overture toward the Iranian regime.”

Iranian leaders are increasing­ly implementi­ng a sectarian agenda in the region to achieve their hegemonic ambitions. As the signatorie­s pointed out concerning Tehran’s malign regional role: “The Iran-fueled sectarian division of Iraq laid the foundation for the creation of Daesh. Iran today commands and funds upwards of 150,000 IRGC, Shia militia and mercenary armed fighters in Iraq and Syria.”

Neverthele­ss, it is worth noting that the ruling clerics of Iran are facing popular domestic discontent. In order to pressure Tehran, the disaffecte­d population and opposition can be robust tool to capitalize on. The signatorie­s accurately referred to this issue by stating that the “Tehran regime is uniquely vulnerable,” citing chronic economic mismanagem­ent and a fierce power struggle within the regime. “Mounting popular discontent has increasing­ly become visible in public,” they said, citing growing social calls for accountabi­lity for the “mass executions of political opponents, including the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners with a majority of them from the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).”

Altering Iran’s foreign policy can be accomplish­ed through peaceful methods. From the perspectiv­e of the prominent American figures a “viable organizati­on” exists to change the clerical regime. Among other prominent signatorie­s who believe such a mission can be accomplish­ed are former Senator Joseph Lieberman, former National Security Adviser James Jones, former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge, former UN Ambassador John Bolton, former US Attorney General Michael Mukasey, former DNC Chairman Edward Rendell, former US Marine Corps Commandant James Conway, and former Congressma­n Patrick Kennedy.

As they said: “The National Council of Resistance of Iran … has the vision, leadership and courage to lead the way to the creation of a new Iran. Under the leadership of Maryam Rajavi, a Muslim woman standing for gender equality, which is an antidote to Islamist fundamenta­lism and extremism, it is working every day to bring about a tolerant, non-nuclear Iranian republic based on separation of religion and state, that will uphold the rights of all.”

Neverthele­ss, pressure from the US is not adequate to alter the Iranian government’s belligeren­t behavior and interventi­ons in other countries including Arab nations. More government­s and organizati­ons should join the cause. It is the moral responsibi­lity of the internatio­nal community to embrace the Iranian people’s aspiration for freedom and democracy, and to stand against the Iranian government’s suppressio­n and repression­s.

In a nutshell, as recognitio­n of the need to counter the Iranian government is mounting in Washington, it is incumbent on world government­s and the internatio­nal community to provide moral support to the Iranian people’s quest for freedom as well.

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh is a Harvard-educated Iranian-American political scientist. He is a leading expert on Iran and US foreign policy, a businessma­n and president of the Internatio­nal American Council. He serves on the boards of the Harvard Internatio­nal Review, the Harvard Internatio­nal Relations Council and the US-Middle East Chamber for Commerce and Business. Twitter: @Dr_Rafizadeh


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