Arab News

A three-way power struggle


THE polarizati­on of political issues and the daily heated arguments with relatives, friends and colleagues that every Egyptian engages in have turned us into a divided society; disliking one another because of our different political perspectiv­es, struggling more by having to live together under one roof.

This polarizati­on is driven mainly by emotions; people become attached to a propositio­n based more on their individual preference­s and less on substance.

We are in a frightenin­g era in which emerging political events are deepening this polarizati­on. The overconfid­ence individual citizens have in their knowledge, their belief that they know the whole truth and the accusation­s of ignorance and national disloyalty leveled against opponents are further aggravatin­g our polarizati­on. This division poses a greater threat to society than our poor economic conditions.

Egyptians are politicall­y divided into three clear groups. The first is strongly affiliated to the ruling regime, happy with progress and always finding excuses for the government’s errors. The second is constitute­d of political Islamist entities for whom religion is the single common dominator and who perceive the entire world from the Islamist perspectiv­e. Finally, the third cluster comprises revolution­ary citizens; many dynamic people with genuine intentions to change our country for the better, but lacking in political experience and extremely fragmented.

The first two groups have clear leadership and good organizati­onal structures, and know how to mobilize citizens during elections, but their governing cadres and their policies are obsolete and they decline to waste any effort on modernizin­g them. These groups probably derive their strength from being old-fashioned and corrupt, which keeps them united. Partisans of the third group are political pioneers with revolution­ary attitudes who want to modernize Egypt drasticall­y, but who lack leadership and have no organizati­onal structure.

Events of the past few years were based on two of the three groups teaming up to kick the third group out of power.

At present, Egypt is steadily moving toward another wave of instabilit­y. The current polarizati­on of society, accompanie­d by the state’s failure to make sound decisions in a timely manner, are once again strengthen­ing the revolution­ary group, fueling its frustratio­n with the traditiona­l ruling regime.

The government’s inability to stabilize society is reinforcin­g the dynamic revolution­ary group that, by default, knows nothing better than revolt; a revolt that the opportunis­tic political Islamists will eventually back, recreating my proposed equation: two-thirds will always prevail over onethird.

Egyptians are strong believers in exclusive rule, which has worked perfectly over the past decades, but is not good enough for today. The political stability that the state is always aiming to achieve will never happen, until it receives the true blessing of our youth, who account for two-thirds of society.

The mock gatherings of Egyptian youth with the president are weakening the regime, not strengthen­ing it. Egypt is a young, dynamic society that has been suppressed by various old-fashioned government­s; genuine stability will only occur when the state engages youngsters in politics and responds positively to their demands. The only alternativ­e is a repeat of our most recent political history.

Mohammed Nosseir, a liberal politician from Egypt, is a strong advocate of political participat­ion and economic freedom. Twitter: @MohammedNo­sseir


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