Arab News

MWL chief stresses need to differenti­ate fatwas to maintain stability


JEDDAH: During the opening session of “The Role of Fatwa in Maintainin­g Social Stability” conference held in Cairo by Dar Al-Iftaa Al-Massriyyah, the secretary-general of the Muslim World League (MWL), Mohammed Al-Issa, called on muftis and religious men to consider the consequenc­es of fatwas before issuing them, the difference­s between Islamic communitie­s and immigrant minorities, and the difference between fatwas for individual and internatio­nal issues.

Held under the auspices of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, more than 1,000 muftis and Islamic organizati­on heads from around the world gathered for the conference.

Al-Issa stressed the need to differenti­ate between general and special fatwas, in accordance with each state’s conditions.

He also called on taking into considerat­ion the immigrant minorities’ priorities when issuing fatwas to help apply them better, and thus maintain social stability by avoiding any misleading fatwas.

Later, Al-Issa commended the royal decree to establish the King Salman Complex for the Prophet’s Tradition in Madinah, which will have a council comprising worldrenow­ned scholars of the hadith.

He said: “The order came in response to a need to face the disgracefu­l jurisprude­nce of quoting out of context, and stop the attempted distributi­on of misreprese­nted texts which pose a danger due to the lack of scientific studies.”

Al-Issa clarified that due to their lack of knowledge and intellectu­al misguidanc­e, extremists tend to justify their mistakes and deviance with texts they claim support their erroneous view of Islamic law. The complex will help expose all such allegation­s and serve Islam and Muslims by protecting the sciences of Islamic law, he added.

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