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Macron urges IAEA to ensure strict compliance of Iran nuclear deal


PARIS: French President Emmanuel Macron has called on the UN’s Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to ensure the strict compliance of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

“He urged the IAEA to ensure strict compliance with the provisions of the agreement in all its dimensions,” Macron’s office said in a statement, after Macron met Yukiya Amano, director general of IAEA.

The EU has reaffirmed its full commitment to the nuclear deal, regardless of whether the US pulls out.

But the bloc, reluctant to isolate itself completely from Washington, is also looking at whether it should as a next move step up criticism of Iran’s ballistic missile program and its role in what the West sees as fomenting instabilit­y in the Middle East, a senior EU official said.

President Donald Trump last week adopted a harsh new approach to Iran by refusing to certify its compliance with the nuclear deal, struck with the US and five other powers including Britain, France and Germany after more than a decade of diplomacy.

EU leaders were expected to “reaffirm (their) full commitment to the Iran nuclear deal,” after talks in Brussels on Thursday, according to a draft statement seen by Reuters.

The EU has been stepping up efforts to save the deal, saying it was crucial to regional and global security, and has appealed to the US Congress not to let it fall.

Trump has given Congress 60 days to see whether to reimpose economic sanctions on Iran, lifted under the pact in exchange for the scaling down of a program the West fears was aimed at building a nuclear bomb, something Tehran denies.

Should Trump walk away from the deal, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday that Iran would “shred” it.

The bloc sees the agreement as a chief internatio­nal success of recent years, and fears tearing it apart would hurt its credibilit­y as well as harming diplomatic efforts to defuse tensions around another nuclear stand-off, with North Korea.

In outlining his tougher stance, Trump said Tehran must also be held accountabl­e for advancing its ballistic program and its regional political role.

The EU is at early stages of considerin­g intensifyi­ng its criticism of Iran on those issues, something France has been calling for.

“We will defend the nuclear deal and stand by the nuclear deal and implement the nuclear deal. But we also don’t want to be standing on a completely opposing side to the US,” the EU official said.

“If they withdraw, we would be left in a rather interestin­g company with China and Russia. So there may be an issue of separating the nuclear deal from the ballistic program and Iran’s regional role, sending signals on the latter two.”

The EU has stepped up contacts with the US Congress. “They were never very fond of the nuclear deal in the first place but now the situation has changed a lot, both many Democrats as well as some Republican­s feel like they need to play a more active role on foreign policy to restrain the president,” the official added.

Iran’s elite Islamic Revolution­ary Guards (IRGC) said on Thursday the ballistic missile program would accelerate despite US and EU pressure to suspend it, the semioffici­al Tasnim news agency reported.

“Iran’s ballistic missile program will expand and it will continue with more speed in reaction to Trump’s hostile approach toward this revolution­ary organizati­on (the Guards),” the IRGC said in a statement published by Tasnim.

 ??  ?? French President Emmanuel Macron
French President Emmanuel Macron

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