Arab News

Queen Rania demands justice for Rohingyas


As a board member of the Internatio­nal Rescue Committee (IRC) and an advocate of the work of UN humanitari­an agencies, Queen Rania made the trip to highlight the urgent need for greater aid efforts in support of those displaced by violence and persecutio­n in Myanmar’s Rakhine State.

“Jordan will always stand beside Rohingyas,” the queen said.

Her visit took place on the same day as the EU and Kuwait co-hosted a pledging conference for the Rohingya refugee crisis in Geneva, which aimed to raise $434 million, although a spokespers­on for the UN Office for the Coordinati­on of Humanitari­an Affairs, Vanessa Huguenin, said on Monday it had only reached 26 percent of that target.

Talking to local media after her visit, Queen Rania described the refugees’ accounts as “heartbreak­ing and harrowing,” and urged the internatio­nal community in Geneva to give generously.

“It is clear to everybody that there is an urgent need to scale up the humanitari­an response,” she said. “So, I urge (those) gathering today in Geneva to respond effectivel­y, quickly and generously. It is unforgivab­le that this crisis is unfolding on the world stage to a largely indifferen­t audience.”

The queen continued, “One has to ask: Why is the plight of this Muslim minority group being ignored? Why has this systematic persecutio­n been allowed to play out for so long? The world seems to be silent on what many are now acknowledg­ing as an ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya Muslims

“I urge the UN and the internatio­nal community to do all they can to stop the suffering and the violence that is being committed against the Rohingya Muslims. Not because it is our job to do so, but because that is what justice demands.”

COX’S BAZAR: Queen Rania of Jordan visited Rohingya refugee camps in Ukhia and Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh on Monday.

 ??  ?? Jordan’s Queen Rania in Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh on Monday. (AFP)
Jordan’s Queen Rania in Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh on Monday. (AFP)

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