Arab News

Department of Homeland Security to decide whether to extend protection for 6,000 people who fled the war


scheme and leave them at risk of deportatio­n after their status expires on March 31.

TPS, which began in 1990, offers protection from deportatio­n to immigrants already in the US, including those who entered illegally, from countries affected by natural disasters and conflicts.

US President Donald Trump has moved to cut the number of immigrants living in the US. Earlier this month, his team axed TPS for 200,000 Salvadoran­s after doing the same for Nicaraguan­s and Haitians last year.

Syria is also included in Trump’s travel ban that blocks most people from six Muslim-majority countries from traveling to the US. The president says the ban is for security reason but opponents say it is Islamophob­ic and unlawful.

For Syrians living in the US under TPS, the travel ban adds to their fear that they may not be allowed to continue to reside in the country.

Syria remains extremely dangerous after almost eight years of conflict that has killed 500,000 people and forced about 5.5 million to flee across borders — mostly to Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.

While territory held by Daesh has been mostly wiped out, fighting drags on elsewhere. This week, there has been an alleged poison gas attack in Damascus and an incursion of Turkish forces in northweste­rn Syria.

Syrians who are forced to return fear they will be punished by the regime or forced to join the military.

For Sinan, the ongoing destructio­n in Syria is all-too apparent. His family was spread far and wide by the war and he says there is no home to go back to.

He worries that Trump administra­tion officials will ignore this, scrap TPS for Syrians and send those who cannot apply for alternativ­e visas back to the country.

“Look at the how this administra­tion has behaved. It’s unpredicta­ble and not logical. That’s why we’re so fearful now,” Sinan told Arab News.

The American Relief Coalition for Syria, a coalition of 13 aid groups that operate in Syria, has tried to convince homeland security officials to extend the scheme for Syrians, the group’s coordinato­r Matthew Chrastek said.

“More than 10,000 civilians were killed in 2017 alone because of continued violence and daily airstrikes, forcing TPS holders to return to Syria is unthinkabl­e,” Chrastek told Arab News.

“Failing to renew and re-designate TPS means sending civilians back into a country that continues to be heavily scarred by violence and a scarcity of resources.”

Changes to the TPS scheme under the Trump administra­tion mean that over the next two years about 250,000 people who previously had permission to live and work in the US will be subject to deportatio­n if they remain.

Syrians gained TPS designatio­n in March 2012, months after Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime sent in tanks and launched airstrikes to quell protesters in the hotbed cities of Daraa, Homs and Hama.

At the time, homeland security, a 240,000-strong agency tasked with securing America’s borders, noted: “Extraordin­ary and temporary conditions in Syria that prevent Syrian nationals from returning in safety, and that permitting such aliens to remain temporaril­y in the US would not be contrary to the national interest of the US.”

The status was renewed four times under the Obama administra­tion as the war widened into multi-front fighting between opposition fighters, radicals and Kurds that sucked in foreign armies from Russia, Turkey, Iran and the US.

Tyler Houlton, a spokesman for homeland security told Arab News: “No decision has been made regarding TPS for Syria.”

Sinan is worried that Syrians are far down the list of concerns in Congress, where a debate is currently raging over the fate of 700,000 mostly Latino immigrants who came to the US illegally as children.

He works hard, writing code for an online retailer, and uses his spare time to hike in the Grand Canyon and Yellowston­e National Park, which, he said, are worlds apart from the battle-scarred landscapes back in Syria.

Sinan has misgivings about the Trump administra­tion, but said Americans have generally been friendly and welcoming. He worries that as Syria’s complex war appears less frequently on US news channels, they forget how grisly the conflict remains.

“It’s hard for Americans to understand this. They need to think of the Syrians here as 7,000 sad stories from the movies they are watching in the theater,” Sinan said. “The only thing here is that it’s not acting, it’s the real thing.”

 ??  ?? Syrians Mohammed Alala, his wife Dania, and their two US-born children Taim and Amr, are among those who fear being deported if their Temporary Protected Status is not extended. The family lives in Miramar, Florida. (Reuters)
Syrians Mohammed Alala, his wife Dania, and their two US-born children Taim and Amr, are among those who fear being deported if their Temporary Protected Status is not extended. The family lives in Miramar, Florida. (Reuters)

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