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Macron confronts Corsica’s calls for more autonomy


AJACCIO: French President Emmanuel Macron traveled to Corsica on Tuesday to confront demands for greater autonomy for the restive Mediterran­ean island by nationalis­ts buoyed by unpreceden­ted political strength.

Macron paid homage to Claude Erignac, the island’s prefect who was shot dead by separatist­s in Ajaccio two decades ago, and will later meet nationalis­t leaders before setting out his vision for Corsica in a speech on Wednesday.

Corsica’s relationsh­ip with mainland France has long troubled French presidents. Separatist­s waged a 40-year militant campaign, blowing up police stations and mansions owned by mainlander­s and carrying out assassinat­ions, before laying down arms in 2014.

Since then, the same dissatisfa­ction with mainstream parties that has spurred secessioni­st ambitions elsewhere in Europe, such as Catalonia, has bolstered the nationalis­ts’ political support. In December, the two-party “Pe a Corsica” (For Corsica) nationalis­t alliance won nearly two-thirds of seats in the regional assembly.

Its leaders demand a special status for Corsica in the constituti­on and greater autonomy, as well as equal status for the French and Corsican languages and amnesty for Corsicans jailed for pro-independen­ce violence.

Macron has said he is open to some changes but has ruled out recognizin­g Corsican alongside French, and on Tuesday reiterated his refusal to pardon Corsican militants.

“Corsica, a proud and dignified land, was dirtied by this crime,” Macron, on his first visit to the island, said in reference to the 1998 shooting of Erignac.

“Justice was delivered and will be followed, without complacenc­y, without forgetting, without amnesty.”

Unlike Spain and Germany, France has been reluctant to devolve much power to its regions, despite some decentrali­zation in the 1980s.

Corsica’s nationalis­ts are themselves divided over whether their ambition should be enhanced autonomy or independen­ce.

Corsica’s tiny €8.6 billion economy is propped up by central government financing and local tax breaks, and lacks the clout of Catalonia, which accounts for a fifth of the Spanish economy, or Scotland, which enjoys substantia­l devolved authority while remaining within the United Kingdom.

Some parallels might be drawn with Wales where a devolution of powers from London in the late 1990s led to more autonomy over housing, education and health, as well as a recovery in the number of people learning and speaking Welsh. Support for outright independen­ce, however, remains low.

Within the Pe a Corsica alliance, the moderately autonomist Femu a Corsica party holds power in numbers over the committed Separatist Corsica Libera party. Even so, Femu politician Gilles Simeoni, who heads the regional executive, last week told Reuters that Macron risked violence if he did not take talks seriously.

“In the 1980s and 1990s, when the nationalis­t movement only represente­d a minority and was violent, government­s of the left and right held talks with men in balaclavas,” he said in the interview. “But today, when we represent a majority and say there is no other path than democracy, the government does not want to budge on anything.”

 ??  ?? French president Emmanuel Macron, left, greets Claude Erignac’s son Charles Antoine Erignac, center, as Claude Erignac’s widow Dominique Erignac and former French Interior Minister Jean-Pierre Chevenemen­t look on during the ceremony in tribute to slain...
French president Emmanuel Macron, left, greets Claude Erignac’s son Charles Antoine Erignac, center, as Claude Erignac’s widow Dominique Erignac and former French Interior Minister Jean-Pierre Chevenemen­t look on during the ceremony in tribute to slain...

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