Arab News

English FA loses its moral compass


THE English Football Associatio­n really is an astonishin­g body. Almost from the moment it was founded in December 1863, it has lurched from embarrassm­ent to embarrassm­ent, plumbing new depths. The latest farrago is signing a memorandum of understand­ing with the Qatar Football Associatio­n.

The FA will no doubt seek to justify the decision by pointing out that the 2022 World Cup is in Qatar, so it makes sense to be on good terms with the country's FA in the build-up to the tournament. There will be friendlies. Training camps perhaps can be arranged to get England's players used to conditions there (assuming they qualify). “We have a long history of collaborat­ion with various national associatio­ns to share knowledge and experience to support the developmen­t of football,” said the FA chairman Greg Clarke. “For Qatar, developing the game across the country is a key objective as they approach the hosting of the FIFA World Cup in 2022.”

That Clarke remains in his job is remarkable. In October, he gave a humiliatin­g performanc­e in front of House of Commons select committee investigat­ing claims of racism and sexism within the FA. It was his jitterines­s that led to Sam Allardyce being forced to resign as England manager after vague allegation­s of not a lot were made in the Daily Telegraph.

The circumstan­ces behind the dismissal of the England women's coach Mark Sampson, meanwhile, remain baffling. It was justified on the back of a twoyear-old internal report into his conduct at Bristol Academy, the club he had coached before England, but was instigated by the racism claims. The process of finding a successor was protracted and the eventual appointmen­t of Phil Neville mystifying given his lack of experience in the women's game. But perhaps even more damning was that the FA did not anticipate the public skepticism; only very belatedly was there any attempt at explanatio­n.

Clarke is by no means the first FA chairman to panic in the face of a potential media storm, but few have been quite so supine, and none surely has so misjudged the national mood as he did before the select committee when referring to allegation­s of institutio­nal racism as “fluff.” Any sense that the FA can stand as a moral arbiter, leading English football, has vanished; they blow with the wind as though incapable of independen­t thought, of determinin­g for themselves a decent code of behavior.

But this link-up with Qatar feels like a new low. Clarke's predecesso­r, Greg Dyke, after all, described the awarding of hosting rights for 2022 to Qatar as “the worst day in FIFA's history.” That bid is still under criminal investigat­ion in both the US and Switzerlan­d. As the tournament approaches, there are only going to be more questions about the morality of playing a World Cup in a country with a questionab­le human rights record, especially when so many of those questions are being asked about the treatment of workers building the stadiums in which the World Cup will be played.

At around the same time Clarke was visiting Doha, a group of British MPs was meeting Qatar's National Human Rights Committee. For what reason remains unclear but there must be a fear as Britain stares into an impoverish­ed post-Brexit future that the need to do

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