Arab News

SDF fighters vow to ‘finish off’ Daesh in Hajjin operation

- AFP Hajjin

Burnt-out cars, craters and collapsed buildings dot the side of a road in the Syrian village of Hajjin, after US-backed forces expelled Daesh.

The sound of mortar fire and flying bullets resounded inside Hajjin on Saturday, as huge clouds of grey smoke billowed over the outskirts of the large village in eastern Syria.

The yellow flag of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) flew above one building, after the Kurdish-led fighters seized the village from Daesh on Friday.

“Hajjin has come under the control of our forces,” SDF commander Zanar Awaz said.

“We are now fighting on the outskirts of Hajjin and we are preparing to enter nearby villages,” he said in Kurdish, a shot of white in his short black hair.

“We will finish off this terrorist group.”

Hajjin lies on the east bank of the Euphrates in the eastern province of Deir Ezzor, about 30 km from the border with Iraq.

The village’s capture marks a milestone in a massive and costly operation backed by a US-led coalition to expel Daesh from eastern Syria.

On Saturday, armored vehicles brought in SDF fighters to reinforce the front lines outside Hajjin, as coalition planes and helicopter­s flew overhead.

An SDF fighter sitting on the top of a vehicle with fellow combattant­s flashed a victory sign.

The Kurdish-led SDF launched an offensive in September to expel IS from a pocket including its main village Hajjin, but their advance has been fraught with obstacles.

“We’ve been facing a lot of difficulti­es: Daesh car bombs, suicide attackers. Most of them are foreign,” Awaz said.

On Saturday morning, Daesh launched a counteratt­ack, but the SDF said it succeeded in repelling them with the backing of coalition air strikes.

Since the start of the operation on September 10, at least 930 extremists and more than 540 SDF fighters have been killed, the Britain-based Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights war monitor said.

In addition, more than 320 civilians have lost their lives, many in coalition airstrikes, according to the Observator­y. The coalition has however repeatedly denied targeting civilians.

But no civilians were visible in Hajjin on Saturday, after thousands fled the village and nearby areas.

A convoy of armored cars ferried in US soldiers, churning up dust along the way.

On a hill that used to act as the village cemetery, tunnels and trenches dug by the terrorists lay covered in sheets and colorful blankets. Bullet and artillery shell casings covered the ground.

SDF fighter Bahouz, who did not give his last name, remembered first entering the district’s hospital.

He said he took pictures of the dead terrorists he saw there. “They think they’ll go to paradise, but we killed them,” he said, carrying a gun and hand grenades around his waist.

“Death is their destiny as they destroyed


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