Arab News

Pride of the nation, architects of the future

Arab News sees at first hand how young Saudi engineers restored oil production after attack on Abqaiq


young Saudi engineer who kept spraying water on the blazing tanks to reduce the heat and avoid further explosions. He reacted quickly, while still implementi­ng all the relevant safety rules. And although he is a relative newcomer — a company employee for only 18 months — he kept his cool even as the attacks were in progress. While the fires were being extinguish­ed, different teams were working simultaneo­usly to assess the damage, and with the first part of the job done the second important step was on everyone’s mind: To get production back on track. After the initial assessment, some thought that to have the tanks ready even to be repaired might take three to four weeks if the usual procedures were followed; as one engineer explained, there were residual gases inside the tanks that would usually take weeks to clear. However, a young Saudi engineer and a veteran Aramco supervisor with 40 years’ experience worked together to come up with an ingenious solution that enabled the tanks to be safely welded without further problems. Some Aramco staff have grown up with the company, the third generation of their families to work there. Others had never set foot in any Aramco facility before they joined. All, however, share the same pride in being part of this giant, and are happy to call themselves “Aramcons.”

They take pride in being problem solvers, not only on the rigs but everywhere they work. This also applies to former Aramco engineers, expatriate­s who have never lost their connection with the company. Many were quick to offer their services after the attacks. Aramco has many assets, but the most valuable is its staff. “Our real wealth lies in the ambition of our people and the potential of our younger generation. They are our nation’s pride and the architects of our future,” the crown prince said. The achievemen­ts at Abqaiq proved his every word, and justified his faith in Saudi youth.

 ?? Photo via Twitter ?? Saudi Aramco CEO Amin H. Nasser, right, expressing appreciati­on to the engineers for their excellent work in restoring production back to its pre-attack levels.
Photo via Twitter Saudi Aramco CEO Amin H. Nasser, right, expressing appreciati­on to the engineers for their excellent work in restoring production back to its pre-attack levels.
 ?? Deputy Editor in Chief ?? Tarek Mishkhas
Deputy Editor in Chief Tarek Mishkhas

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